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  • CLC Seminar and Open Dialogue with Sabry Fawaz: “Art is a Message” and “The Future through the Eyes of Youth”

28 OCT


CLC Seminar and Open Dialogue with Sabry Fawaz: “Art is a Message” and “The Future through the Eyes of Youth”

The Media Club of the College of Language and Communication (CLC) organized a seminar on art and character development, hosting the great actor Sabry Fawaz. It is the first time for Term 1 students to participate in event planning especially seminars that host reputable figures. Actor Sabry Fawaz was hosted and interviewed by Omar, Malek and Shahinaz. The guest showcased the significance of art as a message and how important it is for character development. He added that he sees the future in the eyes of youth, advising all CLCians to keep on reading in order for them to be cultured and to be as daring as they can be to keep moving. Sabry Fawaz was honored for the amazing roles he played in several movies and drama series in the presence of faculty, staff members, and students, by Professor Hanan Youssef, the college Dean. Several other students took part in the organization of the event, the photography and documentation of the event. Professor Hanan Youssef expressed how pleased she was with the event making it clear that taking part in these activities polishes up students’ practical and professional skills.