Trainaholic Academy

In today’s ever-changing marketplace, the importance of training has never been greater. Training is an indispensable way to keep you competitive. We are human and most of us have weaknesses or gaps in our professional skills, so training will lead to higher chances of employability. A high-quality, comprehensive training program will provide you with a greater understanding of your field of specialization to increase your productivity and performance. Training is only impactful if it’s delivered in an effective and engaging way, so it’s best for you to consider what type of training format is best for your training needs.

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Trainaholic Academy offers 6 different independent 18-hour LANGUAGE & TRANSLATION/MEDIA Workshops that can be taken in 2 or 3 weeks depending on your preferences. These workshops include:

1. Journalistic Translation

2. Political Translation

3. Media Translation

4. Preparation of a Professional Podcaster

5. Documentary Filmmaking

6. Mobile Journalism


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We also offer 3 different independent 36-hour LANGUAGE & TRANSLATION courses that can also be taken in regular or condensed formats. These courses are:

1. Dubbing & Subtitling

2. Legal & UN Translation

3. Teaching Arabic to Speakers of Other Languages


We also offer 7 different independent 36-hour MEDIA courses that can be taken in regular or condensed formats. These courses are:

1. Editing

2. TV News Correspondent

3. Radio & TV Presenting Skills

4. The Art and Skills of Journalistic Writing

5. Sport Media

6. Sound Engineering

7. Mass Media & Artificial Intelligence



Why a Training Certificate (Professional Diploma) in International Public Relations and Advertising?

Our program covers 6 highly interactive 36-hour courses that can be taken in regular or condensed formats, depending on your preferences. In this diploma you will learn to how to fast track your career in advertising. You will learn the inside secrets of how to become an advertising pro in months not years! Study an advertising course that was designed in conjunction with advertising and protocol industry leaders. To be a more well-rounded language and communication student, you will study:

1. Advertising Campaign Creation

2. Integrated Marketing Communication

3. Dubbing & Voice Over

4. The Art of Personal Selling

5. Graphics Design & Multimedia

6. International Public Relations & Protocols


You also complete projects for class, including mock advertising campaigns and creating your own designs or ads.  This program makes you you excel in your future graduation project, be a better candidate for a wide variety of career options, and even be more qualified for promotions in your future job. A diploma in advertising and public relations can set you up for a vast array of career opportunities. You can go on to work at a newspaper, a television or radio station, or a marketing firm or agency. You can also work within the marketing department of businesses both large and small, creating advertising campaigns to help retain customers or attract new ones. A diploma in advertising and public relation is also a strong base for a further degree in advertising or marketing. As for the Protocol, protocol is an essential tool for media graduates in today's global business environments. Our courses present a practical methodology for understanding cultural interaction in today's diverse and complex world. It goes beyond the "dos" and "don'ts" of international customs. With a thorough understanding of protocol and etiquette, you will have the confidence to approach any culture and act consistently and effectively in all areas and transactions.

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Why a Training Certificate (Professional Diploma) in Filmmaking and Acting?

A diploma in filmmaking and acting will open doors to a professional career as an independent film or video maker. Students with this credential can find work with marketing firms or any industry that produces video to market itself. Our Filmmaking and acting diploma provides you with hands-on, practical training in all aspects of filmmaking, as well as the key skills and knowledge you need to excel in your chosen field whether you choose to be a production assistant, a talent agent, a tv director, a screenwriter, a film editor, a producer, a cinematographer, a photographer, a sound mixer, a sound editor, a film director, or a stage director. The list of specialists on television and movie sets is extensive and the sky is the limit. In this program, a wide-ranging understanding of filmmaking and acting is broadly applied.  Our program covers 6 highly interactive 36-hour courses that can be taken in regular or condensed formats, depending on your preferences.

The program involves comprehensive study of major aspects of filmmaking and acting which include:

1. Digital Cinematography

2. Sound Editing

3. Film Direction

4. Film Production

5. Screenwriting & Digital Content Creation

6. Acting & the Art of Directing Actors


This program makes you excel in your future graduation projects, be a better candidate for a wide variety of career opportunities, and even be more qualified for promotions in your future careers. The Diploma opens doors to a range of careers in many professional fields. You’ll have the skillset to become a leader within distinct areas of media and entertainment, such as creative management, criticism, development and marketing, regulation and teaching.

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