“Welcome Message”

I am very happy to welcome you all to the Practical Training Website of the College of
Language and Communication (CLC)! Whether you are a new or continuing student, Egyptian or international, you are a valued part of our CLC community. In alignment with the field training strategic plan of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), CLC provides students with personalized support, educational resources, state-of-the-art knowledge, and above all hands-on practice with professionals in a wide array of fields in mass media and communication.

I am extremely proud of the rich practical, experience-based education that CLC has upheld since its inception. Our multiple training opportunities prepare students to become leaders with the moral depth and intellectual intensity necessary to meet the challenges of the labor markets with unlimited possibilities. We are fully cognizant of the interplay between the corporate sector and AASTMT and our faculty is instrumental in developing relationships that ensure our graduates meet the demands of the increasingly complex 21st century workforce. Supporting you is fundamental to our mission! I encourage you to participate in the array of training opportunities and initiatives CLC affords. Flip through our diverse training opportunities, academic achievements, and the accomplishment of our CLC community. Your journey of academic, professional and personal self-discovery and development begins here with our vibrant community, and only you can choose where it will lead you!

Prof. Hanan Youssef

Dean of College of Language and Communication, Smart Village Campus


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