Your gateway to collaboration

Faculty members and the assisting body participated in the publication of 50 refereed scientific research in prestigious indexed international journals.

- These researches were the result of research partnerships and alliances with multiple local and international bodies.

- Alliances and partnerships with local research bodies: 




Alexandria University

Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Pharmacy - Higher Institute of Public Health - Institute of Graduate Studies and Research - Medical Research Institute - Faculty of Science

Cairo University

Faculty of Pharmacy - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Damanhour University

Faculty of Pharmacy

Pharos University

College of Pharmacy - College of Health Sciences Technology

Ain Shams University

Faculty of Pharmacy

Port Said University

Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Pharmacy

Zagazig University

Faculty of Pharmacy

October 6 University

College of Pharmacy - College of Health Sciences Technology

Sinai University

Faculty of Pharmacy

Al , Azhar University

Faculty of Pharmacy

King Salman International University

Faculty of Pharmacy

Suez Canal University

Faculty of Pharmacy

Al , Ahram Canadian University

Faculty of Science

The American University in Cairo

College of Science and Engineering

Alliances and partnerships with international research bodies: 

University Logo

Université de Lorraine, CNRS, France

University of the Basque Country, Spain
 University of Cologne, Germany
Radboud University, Netherlands
Université Paris Cité, France
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Université ParisSaclay, France
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
University of Messina, Italy
University of Cape Town, South Africa
King Saud University, KSA
King Abdulaziz University, KSA
AlBaha University, KSA
 King Khalid University, KSA
Shaqra University, KSA
Umm AlQura University, KSA
Taif University, KSA
 NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
 University of Benghazi, Libya
Libyan International Medical University, Libya
 University of Sindh, Pakistan
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
University of Mauritius, Mauritius
Université de Monastir, Tunisia
Kuwait University, Kuwait
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
Mekelle University, Ethiopia
University of Bahrain, Bahrain
University of Dschang, Cameroon
University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon

Experiential Learning at College of Pharmacy-AASTMT

Training students is a cornerstone of excellence in the academic program of the College of Pharmacy at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport - Abu Qir Branch. Students acquire a myriad of fundamental and advanced skills in all pharmacy specializations, particularly clinical pharmacy. This is achieved through external training programs in hospitals, private pharmacies, and companies, both within and outside the college's premises. The college's state-of-the-art facilities, coupled with exceptional training experiences, enhance the learning journey.
In collaboration with the Alexandria Pharmacists Syndicate, students undergo training in over a hundred private pharmacies across Alexandria, spanning various geographic distributions. This training is conducted under academic and professional supervision. Additionally, students receive hands-on experience in different clinical departments of hospitals with which collaboration agreements have been established. Students are committed to presenting analytical reports on clinical cases studied in the department of pharmaceutical practice and clinical pharmacy.
•Furthermore, students are immersed in various departments of pharmaceutical and medical supply companies, including research and development, quality control, production, quality assurance, planning and marketing, as well as medical devices. This holistic approach ensures that students are well-prepared for the multifaceted landscape of the pharmaceutical field.

Training at all Alexandria University hospitals as part of the cooperation protocol signed with the academy for clinical pharmacy applications


Training in all departments of the company: pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development, quality, production, and warehousing.


Collaboration with American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport signed a cooperation agreement with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) on Tuesday, September 27, 2022