Grading system code

Students shall receive a grade for each registered course as per the following regulations:
A. Course Grade:
This refers to the grades received by students for any course. Course grades are set according to the following scheme:

Evaluation signEvauation pointPercentageGrade
A490 and moreExcellent
B+3.382.5-85Very Good
FZeroless than<60Fail

Students can check their grades through the website using their assigned registration number and pin code. The letters A, B, C, D, S, F, I, and W are used as follows:

  • A, B, C, D, and S are passing grades.
  • The total Marks of any course are out of 100. These marks are distributed between semester work (assignments and quizzes), midterm, oral, pre-final and final exam.
  • The least percentage to pass a course is 60%, (D) and the student fails if he/she gets less than 30% of the marks of the final written exam.
  • If a student fails to attend the final exam without excuse, his final Exam''s mark shall be zero.

Evaluation SignSignificanceDescription
IIncompleteIt is the grade of a postponed final exam due to an urgent excuse accepted by college. This is applicable under the condition that the student obtained 36 marks(60 %) of the course work. An incomplete result (I) is given to enable the student to sit for the final exam in the assigned date. Otherwise the student is considered to have failed the course.
WWithdrawnIt is the grade of a course that has been withdrawn either by forced or optional withdrawal. It is not counted in the GPA.
UUngradedIt is a course whose marks have not been assigned yet for any reason.
AuAuditIt is a grade that is given to students who attend a course as listeners. It is not counted either in the GPA or the achieved credit hours.
TRTransferredIt is the grade of a course equivalent to a course from another university and is not counted in the GPA.
PPassA grade of passing a course
SSatisfactoryA satisfactory level of performance of student in training
FFailA grade of failing a course

General Grade

The points achieved by a student in any subject are calculated by multiplying the student’s grade in the course with the number of the credit hours of the course.
A student’s grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of points by the total number of semester hours attempted.

Grade Point Average (GPA)=Total Number of Points/Total Number of Registered Credit Hours
The GPA ranges between 0 to 4.

An example for the calculation for the GPA for a student in semester 1 is shown below:

CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursMarks
(out of 100)
PPS111Introduction to Pharmacy195A (4.0)1x4.0=4.0
PPS112Physical and Inorganic Chemistry387A-(3.7)3x3.7=11.1
PPS113Pharmaceutical organic Chemistry 1385A-(3.7)3x3.7=11.1
PPS114Introduction to Medicinal plants372C (2.0)3x2.0=6
PCS121Principles of cell biology390A (4.0)3x4.0=12
PCS122Basic Human Anatomy285A-(3.7)2x3.7=7.4
PCS123Basic Human Histology277B-(2.7)2x2.7=5.4
PPP131Orientation to Pharmacy Practice173C+(2.3)1x2.3=2.3
NPC101English for special purposes195A-(3.7)1x3.7=3.7
NPC102Basic Software management192A-(3.7)1x3.7=3.7

The GPA = 66.7 ÷ 20 = 3.34

General Grade is set according to the following Cumulative Grade Point Averages:
GPAGradeEquivalent Percentage
From 3.7 to 4ExcellentFrom 85 to 100
From 2.7 to less than 3.7 Very GoodFrom 75 to less than 85
from 1.7 to less than 2.7Goodfrom 65 to less than 75
From 1.0 to less than 1.7SatisfactoryFrom 60 to less than 65

Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA):
  1. This refers to the student’s overall average and is calculated at the end of each semester by adding all course points obtained by the student in all courses up to that date and dividing them by the total number of credit hours completed by the student so far.
  2. The GPA determines the student’s status in terms of academic load, pursuing studies, academic probation and graduation.

Honors Degree:
AASTMT students shall receive a grade with honors if they achieve a minimum “Very Good” i.e. GPA = 2.7 provided that they achieve at least this grade during all semesters and that they have not received a failing grade (F) in any course during the study period.