B Pharm Program:
The program comprises 195 credit hours their assessment results graded from F up to A and 640 hours of summer training as experiential learning their assessment results graded as Satisfactory “S” or Fail “F” and their successful completion is required for graduation. These credits are distributed among courses that employ a variety of educational and assessment techniques including the traditional didactic lectures in addition to the nontraditional problem-based and team-based learning modules aiming to maximize student engagement and broaden the scope of learning.
The course content is designed to offer the students a stepwise exposure to the different professional competencies with increasing depth as study levels progress. A single competency will be targeted by several courses in a spiral manner and integrated within a matrix of other relevant competencies to achieve the desired practice and knowledge educational outcomes.
Some courses are grouped into knowledge clusters to link related scientific fields and highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the pharmacy profession. The contents of the courses in the same cluster delivered by different departments in the college and are fully integrated so that topics are interrelated to make the best use of time, eliminate redundancy, and enhance the achievement of educational outcomes and facilitate academic advising. Although courses in the same cluster are not co-requisite for each other, it is advisable that the student enroll in these courses in the same semester to facilitate the flow of knowledge. Nonetheless, if a student failed to enroll in any of the courses in a certain cluster, this will never jeopardize his progress and achievements in the program. Other courses that are taught in the same semester and not integrated in a cluster serve to develop diverse competencies needed in the field of pharmacy.
Pharm D Program:
The program offers the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Pharm D). The number of credit hours required for graduation is 177 (cr. hr.) spreading over 10 academic semesters in addition to a training academic year (9 months). The program contains a sequence of courses that are designed according to the National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Pharmacy education.
The duration of the study in this program is divided on 10 semesters (5 years) according to the credit hour system and a full year of training in different training sites (5+1). In addition to field training constituting 100 hours in community, governmental and hospital pharmacies during the summer vacations by the end of the third level, besides passing a graduation project in one of the specializations available for registration.
The on-site training program has been designed to prepare a pharmacist capable of providing pharmaceutical services with a professional skill in hospitals, public and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and companies, drug control laboratories and food analysis, in addition to working in the field of media and drug packaging and participating effectively in scientific research through research centers and universities to serve the community. As well as taking into account the actual need of the labor market to allow the graduate to compete for job opportunities internally and externally and increase the opportunities available to work in the specialized pharmaceutical field.
Pharm D (Clinical Pharmacy) Program:
The program offers the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Pharm D clinical) based on credit hour system. The number of credit hours required for graduation is 176 (cr. hr.) over 5 study years (10 academic semesters) in addition to an advanced field training for one academic year (36 weeks). The program contains a sequence of courses that are designed according to the National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Pharmacy education.
The duration of the study in this program is divided on 10 semesters (5 years) according to the credit hour system and a full academic year of field training (36 weeks) in different training sites (5+1). In addition to field training constituting 100 hours in community, governmental and hospital pharmacies during the summer vacations by the end of the third level, besides passing a graduation project in one of the specializations available for registration.
The student must complete one academic training year (9 months=36 weeks divided into 6 rounds), after completing the 5 study years. During this training, the student undergoes training in pharmaceutical companies in addition to distribution companies and drug stores, MOH drug governmental sectors (Pharmaceutical auditing, regulatory affairs, Drug registration, …etc.), pharmaceutical and medical research centers, bioavailability and clinical studies centers, media and drug marketing, ...etc. besides community and governmental pharmacies.
The on-site training program has been designed to prepare a pharmacist capable of providing pharmaceutical services with a professional skill in hospitals, public and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and companies, drug control laboratories and food analysis, in addition to working in the field of media and drug packaging and participating effectively in scientific research through research centers and universities to serve the community. As well as taking into account the actual need of the labor market to allow the graduate to compete for job opportunities internally and externally and increase the opportunities available to work in the specialized pharmaceutical field.