Excellence in Scientific Research

Excellence in scientific research 

Excellence in scientific research is a crucial facet of advancing our understanding of the world around us. It is through rigorous and meticulous research that we are able to unravel mysteries and solve complex problems. Scientists who strive for excellence in their work hold themselves to the highest standards, ensuring that their methodologies are robust and their findings are accurate and reliable.

Achieving excellence in scientific research requires a combination of intellectual curiosity, dedication, and a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Scientists must possess a deep passion for their field of study, constantly seeking new ideas and innovative approaches to expand the boundaries of human understanding. They must be willing to invest countless hours in the laboratory, engaging in meticulous experimentation and analysis to uncover meaningful results.

Moreover, excellence in scientific research goes beyond individual achievements. Collaboration and teamwork play a crucial role in fostering excellence, as scientists often work together to tackle complex problems that require diverse expertise. Sharing knowledge, ideas, and resources enables researchers to build upon each other's work, pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery even further. Ultimately, excellence in scientific research not only advances our understanding but also has the potential to drive innovation, improve human lives, and shape the future of our society.

- Three faculty members of the college got the opportunity to travel abroad in order to exchange experiences in order to learn about the latest research, educational and training systems followed in those universities for periods ranging from one to three months:

•Dr. Dina Mohamed Gaber Abdel Hamid, a lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutical sciences at the college of Pharmacy, obtained a short-term scientific mission leave for a period of five weeks, due to her invitation from Saarland University in Germany to participate in scientific research, from 23/8/2022 to 30/9/2022.
•Dr. Mohamed Abdel Karim Abdel Mohsen El-Khouly, Microbiology lecturer in the department of clinical and biological sciences, received a funded training opportunity grant at Canisius-Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis, Nijmegen, Netherlands Hospital (CWZ) in the Netherlands during October 2022.
•Dr. Salma Ali Fouad Al-Mallah, Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmacy, obtained a scientific mission leave for a period of three months, due to her invitation from Queen's University in Canada to participate in scientific research, from 22/6/2023 to 27/9/2023.

- The participation of Dr. Dalia Yahya in the training on capacity building (Resource mobilization) organized by (ASAF) African students Alumni Forum under the auspices of Erasmus plus from 16 to 18.9. 2023 in Tunis.