- Degree Bachelor
- Code: COM334
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: None
Bythe completion of thiscourse, students are expected to be able to do the following: Examinefreedom of expression in various societies with reference to journal institutions.Defineresponsible media practices.Examinethe political, regulatory and structural control over the press and media.Mention the different special concepts of media ethics and its different legislations. Identifythe evolution of media ethics and legislationDescribethe stages of development of the various theories that explain the relationship between political systems and the media.Describethe variables of the political, legal, legislative and competitive economic environmentthat affect media ethics and legislation. Discusssome of the ethical problems facing digital media practices. Recognize the technological variables and their relationship to media ethics and legislation.Be familiar with the codes of conduct and ethics regulating the work of traditional and digital media Recognizeand identify legal and ethical issues for media practitionersPossess basic legal literacy, sufficiently to know where and when to seek further adviceWork collaboratively to resolve legal and ethical concerns in specific case studies.Use cognitive skills to judge unethical situations.Understand the obstacles to ethical standards and thus minimizerelated evils Analyze through research the international charters and declarations of freedom of opinion and expression, and freedom of the media. Evaluate of the effectiveness of laws regulating traditional and new media as case studies in light of their consideration of environmental variables, characteristics of the target audience, features of the issues raised, and the appropriateness of media legislation in different countries.Criticize and evaluate professional media practices of the charters and ethics regulating the work of traditional and digital media. Discuss how to employ media legislation in light of information and communication technology. Solve the legal and ethical problems faced during professional work.Criticize media performance in light of ethical and professional standards. •Recognize contemporary ethical and professional practices in the digital space. Define basic legal terminologyExplain the workings of the civil and criminal justice system. Recognize the limits of legal rights. Understand when to seek legal counsel when needed. Explain current legal issues impacting journalists.Avoid claims of defamation and invasion of privacy. Properly use copyrighted works and trademarks
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