Media and Society

  • College of Language and Communication |


By the completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:Identify bias messages produced by major media outlets and other alternative forms of mass communication. Identify and apply different research approaches to the media.Design media messages for different audiences and in different formats. Discuss about the different ideologies present in cultural messages. Summarize, paraphrase, and quote appropriate research sources accurately and fairly. Bythe completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:Understand how media systems are integrated and shaped by larger systems of power and cultural understandingand, how in turn, those systems of power and stratification are dependent of communications. Develop critical tools to explore how non-dominant groups including women, people of color, social class, and sexual orientation are represented in the media; the significance of those representations, the role of those representations in the reproduction of inequality and how those representations have changed over time. Develop a meaningful understanding of the evolution of media systems and how inequality of access combined with the proliferation of platforms influence social perceptions and interaction, as well as social structure. Writeanalytically about issues of race, class and gender in conjunction with media systems Demonstrate an understanding of the mass media and society including but not limited to newspapers, radio, television, movies, recording industry, and social media.Apply textual analysis as a method to perform a close and critical reading of different media content. Evaluate the ethical implications of cultural representations in the media (the media that you consume and produce). Bythe completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:Be active participantsin discussions and evaluating information.Be activeparticipantsand contribute to discussions based on their individual perceptions and experiences. Explain different relations betweenmedia and society.Develop an ability to study independently and to work in groups.Develop an ability to deliver presentations and communicate effectively in speech and writingBecome a more autonomous, and self-directed learner who seek information independently and use it to grow their knowledge base.Effectively communicatetheirunderstanding of the new theories and conceptual frameworks to diverse audiences through different formats and platforms (class discussions,blogentries, short written assignments, etc.)




  • Thiscourse is designed to give the students some important basic information on the nature and history of mass media .The course addresses such issues as the relationship between media and Society, characteristics of media institutions, media in relation to other institutions, institutions and powers, audience and effects related topics, media and new technology, facets of globalization and media and media imperialism


Burton, G. (2010) .Media and Society: Critical Perspectives. McGraw –Hill Education (UK)

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