- Degree Bachelor
- Code: COM239
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: none
Demonstrate ability to work with DSLR cameras in the studio with lights. Demonstrate ability observe, question and appraise photographic images. Formulate connections that go beyond the obvious and demonstrate an analytical process of thought based on structural understanding of how photographic images work. Operate a creative visual practice based on critical thinking. Assemble a type of photographic practice that demonstrates an openness to different observational and analytical techniques. Integrate and apply photographic knowledge and skills to the student’s own domain of interest. Effectively assemble, present and evaluate photographic material. Edit and collate their photographs Discuss issues related to their work, explain and analyse the methodology used in order to reach the final visual result through oral presentations and written documentation. Utilize library and online resources and relevant research tools to retrieve primary and secondary sources. Generate and present critical work employing relevant research skills. Develop the necessary skills for making oral presentations. Develop the skills necessary for productive team work.
McHugh, S. T. (2018). Understanding Photography: Master Your Digital Camera and Capture That Perfect Photo, No Starch Press.
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