- Degree Bachelor
- Code: DJR451
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: None
1. Knowledge and Understanding 1.1 Understand the changing nature of news in the digital environment . 1.2 Identify various sources for news stories . 1.3 Compare different approaches to news journalism presentation in the context of digital media . 1.4 Identify the impact of digital technologies on journalistic ideals as professionalism and objectivity . 1.5 Share ideas, and identify definite editorial instructions in digital newsrooms . 2. Intellectual Skills 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of convergence journalism . 2.2 Observe intellectual property and comply with copyright law . 2.3 Engage in critical thinking, and creativity appropriate to the role of journalism in digital environment. 2.4 Interview subjects, conduct research, and evaluate information. 2.5 Learn specific writing , reporting and editing skills necessary to different platforms. EDQMS 3/2 Page 1 of 3 App.7.2 3. Professional and Practical skills 3.1Write stories for the web. 3.2 Pre-produce, produce and publish multimedia stories for the web. 3.3 Practice journalistic storytelling that comply with the standards and quality in the digital industry. 3.4 Produce informative news stories for various platforms . 3.5 Develop the ability to create a multimedia blog . 4. General and Transferable skills 4.1 Report news stories under deadline in a digital environment 4.2 Apply newsroom ethics and standards . 4.3 Create a blog and publish posts incorporating audio and visual content. 4.4 Learn basic Adobe Premiere editing skills. 4.5 Develop a strong sense of team work.
Sidlow, F. , & Stephens , K. (2022) . Broadcast News in the Digital Age A Guide to Reporting, Producing and Anchoring Online and on TV . UK : Routledge . Neilson , T. (2021 ) . Journalism and Digital Labor: Experiences of Online News Production . UK : Routledge .
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