- Degree Bachelor
- Code: RTA441
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: None
1. Knowledge and Understanding 1.1 Understand the principles, processes, and products associated with arts and communication media. 1.2 Identify ways in which the human experience is transmitted and reflected in communication. 1.3 Outline the three production processes. 1.4 Understand the media agenda. 1.5 Recognize the characteristics of an effective interviewer. 1.6. Define the interviewing skills particularly needed for media interviews. 1.7 Recall listening skills to communicate effectively in any context. 1.8 Determine skills as communicator when it comes to the media. 1.9 List ways to prepare for the media interview. 1.10 Identify the basics of the interviewing process. 1.11 Trace the importance of proper planning before an interview. 1.12 Examine how to prepare for and use common types of interview questions. 1.13 Define the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing. 1.14 List the two types of tv interviews live and recorded. 2. Intellectual Skills 2.1 Differentiate the features of the elements of communication process. 2.2 Analyze and observe the interpersonal communication skills. 2.3 Analyze how an interview is typically structured. 2.4 Analyze media interview performance. 2.5 Interpret the barriers to effective communication. 2.6 Explain the importance of non-verbal communication in success of any oral communication. 2.7 Develop effective delivery styles. 2.8 Interpret the factors that shape the interview environment and its influence on communication. 2.9 Develop listening and speaking strategies for different purposes. 2.10 Analyze the pronunciation and speaking problems that impede the communication process. 2.11 Select a creative approach. 3. Professional and Practical skills 3.1 Plan critical and creative thinking in various arts and communication settings. 3.2 Evaluate communication as complex and dynamic. 3.3 Evaluate the importance of using the you attitude in oral communication. 3.4 Demonstrate skills to handle audience with confidence. 3.5 Use nerves to enhance the presentation. 3.6 Use voice and body language to greater effect. 3.7 Plan and prepare for different types of interviews. 3.8 Practice ‘live’ TV Media Interviews. 3.9 Choose, Understand and deal with the general skills and strategies of the writing process. 3.10 Plan authentic interviews and conduct TV interviews with guests of different backgrounds. 3.11 Perform reading, speaking and listening the target language. 3.12 Use communication effectively in group talks. 3.13 Operate professionally in TV talk shows. 4.General and Transferable skills 4.1 Develop effective interpersonal communication skills. 4.2 Recognize ethical issues related to media field. 4.3 Apply simple research task. 4.4 Creativity in approach and solutions. 4.5 Use suitable writing skills for TV and radio programs. 4.6 Apply speaking and grooming skills. 4.7 Use technical skills to produce media interviews. 4.8 Presence and style in front of camera and microphone.
Media Interview Techniques: A Complete Guide to Media Training By Robert Taylor Publisher: Kogan Page Publishers, 2015 ISBN 0749474734, 9780749474737
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