- Degree Bachelor
- Code: RTA444
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: None
1. Knowledge and Understanding 1.1 Understand the fundamentals of anchoring in different formats. 1.2 Identifying phonemic distinctions and pronounce phonemes correctly 1.3 Identify basics of news oral presentation and articulation fundamentals. 2. Intellectual Skills 2.1 Recognize different types of Radio/T.V. broadcasts 2.2 Articulate words and sentences clearly and confidently 2.3 Identify the tone and intonation required for media broadcasting 2.4 Diagnose British/American accent in news/ talk shows 2.5 Identify the common speed of reading news 3. Professional and Practical skills • 3.1 Identifying phonemic distinctions and pronounce phonemes correctly • 3.2 Pronounce word stress correctly • 3.3 Develop more natural intonation and stress patterns • 3.4 Develop normal speed in oral production necessary for broadcasting and news reading • 3.5 Develop accurate reception and production skills 4.General and Transferable skills 4.1 Presence and style in front of camera and microphone. 4.2 Watch different types of Radio/T.V. broadcasts 4.3 Articulate words and sentences clearly and confidently 4.4 Identify the tone and intonation required for media broadcasting 4.5 Recognize British/American accent in news/ talk shows 4.6 Identify the common speed of reading news
• Selected English material tailored to fit the course objectives and a reference book for further reading • Sabin , A. ( 2016 ) . You are on : How to develop great media skills for TV and radio , and the internet . Oxford : Deer Park Production .
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