- Degree Bachelor
- Code: DAS440
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: None
1. Knowledge and Understanding 1.1 Recognize new terms & concepts of the field of Audio-Visual translation 1.2 Understand the semiotic theory of signs. 1.3 Recognize the complex nature of film semiotics 1.4 segment the translated text into takes, add the correct dubbing symbols, practice lip-syncing and emulate spontaneous dialogues in the translation 1.5 Describe general features of audio-visual material semiotics and the appropriate register for language transfer 1.6 Realize the importance of using various house styles in AVT 2. Intellectual Skills 2.1 Select the appropriate type of AVT for a given project 2.2 Analyze the semiotic components of a movie 2.3 Evaluate the quality of dubbing in a given movie 2.4 Dub symbols or indicators and perform correct lip-synch 2.5 Use voiceover and dubbing tools and software 3. Professional and Practical skills 3.1 Apply the semiotic theory to AVT 3.2 Insert accurate subtitling lines 3.3 Utilize punctuation conventions in creating error-free subtitles. 3.4 Apply house styles in dubbing projects appropriately 3.5 Create linguistically appropriate dubbing for a given movie using appropriate dubbing strategies. 4. General and Transferable skills 4.1 Decode layered meaning in audiovisual texts via applying the semiotic theory 4.2 Use the appropriate software to work on a given AVT project 4.3 Work in a team to produce a subtitled or dubbed movie
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