Special Topics in Radio and Television

  • College of Language and Communication |


1. Knowledge and Understanding 1.1 Understand the fundamentals of anchoring in different formats. 1.2 Comprehending the background history of radio and TV. 1.3 Identify basics of how to gather news in different formats. 2. Intellectual Skills 2.1 Recognize different types of Radio/T.V. broadcasts 2.2 Understand every form of media production through hands-on instruction and theoretical material. 2.3 Analyze television and radio studio environments. 3. Professional and Practical skills 3.1 Understand the principles associated with arts and communication media. 3.2 Identify the basic aspects related to the production and editing processes. 3.3 Analyze the different roles involved in the field of radio and TV production. 3.4 Develop an understanding for the new roles in the field, along with how to fulfill them successfully. 4.General and Transferable skills 4.1 Address recently identified current events 4.2 Understand how the media agenda can affect the whole production process. 4.3 Trace the importance of proper planning before any kind of production. 4.4 Identify the required research skills required for media broadcasting process.




  • This course is designed to introduce the students with topics that address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge related to the new trends in radio and TV. In addition, students will be able to recognize different attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development. Topics may include the areas of programming in radio and TV, the growing convergence of video, film, audio, television, multimedia and the Internet.


Selected chapters and books suggested by the course coordinator

Course Content

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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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