- Degree Bachelor
- Code: DGM451
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: Introduction to Digital Media COM236
The Intended Learning Outcomes ofthis course are categorized under the following four headings:1.Knowledge and understanding2.Intellectual skills3.Professional and practical skills4.General and transferable skills Throughout this course students should acquire the competencies listed under each heading as follows 1.1Introduce various examples of digital media including film, virtual reality, podcasts and video games.1.2Discuss current trends in the digital media industry . 1.3 Discuss current trends in the digital media industry.1.4 Reviewdifferent debatableethical issues relevantto digital media practices. 1.5 Explore the current trends, tools for easy content creation and fine tune design skills to easily replicate content across different platforms. 2.1 Recognize different formats in digital media . 2.2 Understand every form of digital media through hands-on instruction and theoretical material. 2.3 Analyze digital mediaenvironments.2.4 Critically analyzethe most recentdevelopments in digitalmedia , through engaging with an emerging problem or topic in the field 2.5 Contribute original thinking to produce innovative solutions to contemporary prroblems in communication and media . .1Identify, create, edit, and displaydifferent types of digital file formats in text, graphics, animation, video, and audio.3.2 Create an online digital multimedia presentation using image editing, drawing, animation, audio, video and web authoring programs.3.3 Bring their work to a point of intersection with the most recent work addressing problems emerging in media studies scholarship or practices in media and communication industries .3.4 Develop an understanding for the new roles in the field, along with howto fulfill them successfully.3.5 Research and determine career opportunities in Digital Media. 4.1 Articulatetheethical values relevant in the rapid development of digital media with particular attention to the impact of digital technologies . 4.2 Understand how the media agenda can affect the whole production process.4.3 Trace the importance of proper planning before any kind of production.4.4 Identify the required research skills requiredfor digital media broadcastingprocess.4.5 Utilize research skills to evaluate issues in the field and communication findinds in a professional context .
Fortenr R. (2020 ) . Ethics in the digital domain . Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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