Production of Digital Media Material

  • College of Language and Communication |


On completion of this course, students will be able to:1.1Develop further skills in creative production and editing1.2Utilize their knowledge from previous courses to creatively work on different kind of television programmes: Commercials, PSAs, Music Videos, Documentaries, Short Movies 2.1Develop their personal style and creativeness 2.2Develop self-critical abilities 2.3Generate new creative ideas 3.1Learn to edit for posting online 4.1Discuss issues related to their work, explain and analyse the methodology used in order to reach the final visual result throughoral presentations and written documentation.4.2Utilizelibrary and online resources and relevant research tools to retrieve primary and secondary sources.4.3Generate and present critical work employing relevant research skills. 4.4Develop the necessary skills for making oral presentations.4.5Develop the skills necessary for productive team work




  • -Develop further skills acquired from basic level production courses -Apply concepts and techniques of video and film production, working with digital and HD equipment (video camera and editing), shot composition, editing workshops and publishing, sharing and promoting videos for the web. -Provide an opportunity to the students to create a variety of productions, allowing them to express personal creativity. -To introduced into the making of a commercial, a Public Service Announcement, documentaries, music videos and short dramas. -Demonstrate the students on how to write scripts, shoot, edit their own projects on some of these categories and finally publish/upload them.


Title: Writing and Producing for Television and Film. Author: De Fossard, Esta Riber, John Publisher: ew Delhi : SagePublications Pvt. Ltd

Course Content

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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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