- Degree Bachelor
- Code: DGM354
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: None
The Intended Learning Outcomes of this course are categorised under the following four headings: 1. Knowledge and understanding2. Intellectual skills3. Professional and practical skills4. General and transferable skillsThroughout this course students should acquire the competencies listed under each heading as follows. 1.1Identifying the historical and contextual development accompanying the emergence of AI applications in digital media.1.2Explore the conceptual and practical understanding of Artificial intelligence applications in digital media1.3Review all concepts related to AI applications in digital media and its material components like Robot Journalists.1.4Understanding the convergence ofAI and digital media platforms.1.5Defining the components of AI applications in newsrooms.1.6Explore the Machine Learning and deep learning and Its Applications in the journalistic field .1.7Discuss the ethical aspects related to the uses of AL applications in digital media 2.1Diagnosing the status of the uses of artificial intelligence applications within media organizations.2.2Comparing the traditional journalistic process with new developments related to the applications of artificial intelligence in the various stages of media content production Compare the different structures of journalistic writing in the digital environment.2.3Distinguish between the different types of AI applications in digital media2.4Analyzing the essential characteristics associated with AI applications in digital media regarding the audience interact with its content.2.5Apply critical analysis skills in relation to some ethical situations specific to the AI applications in digital media.2.6Evaluating the advantages of using artificial intelligence applications in digital media. 3.1Provide students with a thorough understanding of the tools and practices of AI applications in digital media.3.2Examine the different uses of AI applications in digital media.3.3Develop critical skills regarding the uses of AI applications in digital media3.4Producing a prototype for electronic press content in an environment that simulates a modern professional newsroom through the uses of artificial intelligence applications.3.5Using algorithms to plan, publish, and refine stories is usually implemented to produce data-driven stories; such stories often relate to crimes, natural disasters, elections, finance, and sports. 4.1Gathering content and understanding data pools. 4.2Understanding algorithms used to produce news stories.4.3Proficiency in working in a team to explore the determinants of the AI applications in digital media
Dal Yong Jin (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Production.Routledge
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