- Degree Bachelor
- Code: DGM350
- Credit hrs: 3
- Prequisites: none
The Intended Learning Outcomes of this course are categorised under the following four headings: 1. Knowledge and understanding2. Intellectual skills3. Professional and practical skills4. General and transferable skillsThroughout this course students should acquire the competencies listed under each heading as follows. 1.1Identifying the historical contextual development accompanying the emergence of journalism until it reached the digital stage1.2Explore the conceptual and practical understanding of digital journalism.1.3Reviewing all concepts related to digital journalism and all its human and material components.1.4Defining the components of digital newsrooms compared to traditional news processing patterns1.5Describes the political, legal, and legislative variables associated with digital journalism1.6Discusses some of the ethical problems facing digital journalism practices. 2.1Comparing the journalist works via digital platforms with the traditional way of collecting and editing news2.2Compare the different structures of journalistic writing in the digital environment.2.3Distinguish between the different types of news values in their traditional sense that have been adopted in the digital environment and those that are developed from them.2.4Analyzing the essential characteristics associated with digital journalism related to the way readers interact with its content.3.1provide students with a thorough understanding of the tools and practices of digital journalism.3.2Producing a prototype of electronic press content within an environment that simulates a modern professional newsroom.3.3Develop critical skills regarding the contents of digital journalism. 3.4Develop the verification skills of news production processes in the digital environment4.1Proficiency in working in a team to explore the determinants of the digital journalistic work environment4.2Learn about all the tools ofjournalistic work in its digital environment4.3Think critically about some ethical situations specific to the journalist's work in the new digital field.
Janet Kolodzy (2012). Practicing Convergence Journalism: An Introduction to Cross-Media Storytelling.Routledge
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