Theater (Drama)

  • College of Language and Communication |


Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, historical and aesthetic significance of the theater. identify the different roles of the makers of theater. understand the relationship between drama, theater and society. discuss the characters and the dramatic structures of selected play texts. compare major theatrical forms and techniques. evaluate the theatrical performance of selected play texts. criticize the production of selected play texts with reference to the actors’ performances, the direction and the design. analyze the texts of selected plays and conceptualize their theatrical performance. criticize the theatrical performance of a selected play’s dramatic structure, character, themes and cultural production. writing a character sketch of different character types and envision a world for them. manage stage setting and design, lighting, casting and directing. directing a theatrical performance of selected play texts. improve their knowledge of the historical and cultural backgrounds of the art of theater. read, interpret and analyze the characters, themes and dramatic structure of selected play texts. write critical analysis of the theatrical production of selected play texts.


Humanities Dep*


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, historical and aesthetic significance of the theater. identify the different roles of the makers of theater. understand the relationship between drama, theater and society. discuss the characters and the dramatic structures of selected play texts. compare major theatrical forms and techniques. evaluate the theatrical performance of selected play texts. criticize the production of selected play texts with reference to the actors’ performances, the direction and the design. analyze the texts of selected plays and conceptualize their theatrical performance. criticize the theatrical performance of a selected play’s dramatic structure, character, themes and cultural production. writing a character sketch of different character types and envision a world for them. manage stage setting and design, lighting, casting and directing. directing a theatrical performance of selected play texts. improve their knowledge of the historical and cultural backgrounds of the art of theater. read, interpret and analyze the characters, themes and dramatic structure of selected play texts. write critical analysis of the theatrical production of selected play texts.


Maxwell, R. (2015). Theater for Beginners. Theatre Communications Group.

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