Television Production

  • College of Language and Communication |


Intended Learning Outcomes 1.Knowledge and Understanding 1-1 List the basics of preparing, writing, and presenting television programs. 1-2 Identify the different stages of TV production. 1-3 Explain the fundamentals of TV Studio, 1-4 Explain the fundamentals of idea, preparation, presentation, 1-5 List the basics of photography, editing. 1-6 Mention the principles of directing and finally produce different patterns of and TV programs. 1-7 Demonstrate knowledge of basic terms and concepts associated with television studio production. 1-8 Understand the latest developments in the field of communication technology and its impact on the field of television broadcasting and producing. 2.Intellectual Skills 2-1 Practice how TV production is set 2-2 Illustrate the current status of television technology. 2-3 Plan for the production of television programs. 2-4 Compare among different types of shoots. 2-5 Analyze the factors affecting the performance of and television. 3. Professional and Practical skills 3-1 Apply basic skills used in television studio production. 3-2 Prepare TV programs, according to various forms of programs. 3-3 Utilize different production equipment and use of all equipment and machinery necessary for television production. 3-4 Utilize (Cameras, studio Camera/portable camera) – switcher- lighting- linear and nonlinear editing-sound equipment (microphones – sound mixer). 3-5 Produce television programs, and a documentary or a short movie. 3-6 Create new ideas and formats of news and current affairs programs . 4. General and Transferable skills 4-1 - Develop teamwork and time management skills. 4-2 Use TV Cameras. 4-3 Apply practical and professional problem-solving. 4-4 Use television studio to record programs or broadcast them live.




  • This course provides an overview of the hardware and techniques used in television production and how those tools are used to support the editorial message, the operation of a television studio, camera techniques, editing suite, electronic newsgathering equipment, the technical, artistic, and logistical skills necessary to produce news reports and short documentaries features for television.


JONATHAN BIGNELL AND JEREMY ORLEBAR , THE TELEVISION HANDBOOK , Third edition Owens, Jim.(2019) Television Production 17th Edition, Routledge Zettl, Herbert (2009) VIDEO BASICS 7; Wadsworth Publishing; ISBN-10: 1111344469; ISBN-13: 978-1111344467

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  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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