RIC awards



- Egypt won 4 silver  medals in the eighth Informatics Cup for Competitive ProgrammingI ( InfoCup) held in Romania 





- The Egyptian team achieves 4 bronze medals at the 35th International Olympiad in Informatics in Hungary IOI 2023, and the Egyptian embassy holds a reception for the students.


- Egypt hosted the International Beaver Competition workshop 2023 at the Long Beach Resort Hotel in Hurghada


-The Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AASTMT) in Port Said Branch hosted the International Olympiad in Informatics for Teams IIOT 2023.


-The (AASTMT)is organizing the Egypt Robot Cup Competition 2023 with the support of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, with the participation of 830 students from schools and universities.


-The Sixteenth Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI was held from September 28 to 30, 2023 at Abou kir Branch.


- The Egyptian ROV Competition was held in Abi Qir branch from May 12-13, 2023 with the participation of 14 teams from various universities in Egypt.


- In cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), and Prof. Bill Poucher, President of the International ICPC we concluded at the headquarters of the Arab Academy in Alexandria the finals of the Egyptian Programming Competition for University Youth from Augest 6 to 30, 2023 at Abou kir Branch.



-The Egyptian team achieved two bronze medals at the thirty-fourth International Olympiad in Informatics IOI in Indonesia “August 22, 2022.


- Egypt won 6 medals in the Sixth InfoCup for Competitive Programming (InfoCup) held in Romania (Two silver and four bronzes).


- The AASTMT team won first place in ACPC 2022.


-  Training of 500 students for 45 hours during July, August and September 2022 Beaver Challenge.


-  Qualifications were held in September to select the top 120 programmers to participate in the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI.


-The Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI was held from September 26 to October 1, 2022 at al-Alamein Branch.


- APIO Egypt 2022, Silver medal at the Sixteenth Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad.


-The International Informatics Olympiad IOI in Teams portsaid March 2022.


-More than 100 programming competitions for colleges students in the Arab region and Africa were supervised in 2021/22 in 27 countries.


- 270 AASTMT students Trained, 90 teams were qualified from the AASTMT competition from different branches.


- The Egyptian ECPC Programming Competition for 2022 was organized from 14-27 August 2022 in Abu Qir branch and the AASTMT team Won the first place and qualified for the ACPC that will be held in Sharm el-Sheikh 2-6 December 2022.


- AASTMT team wins in the first place at the level of Africa and the Arab World in the International Software Competition for University Students ICPC 2022 Organized by Asia Pacific University in Bangladesh.


- The Egyptian ROV Competition was held in Abi Qir branch from June 2-5, 2021 with the participation of 22 teams from various universities in Egypt, three teams have been qualified from colleges and two teams from schools for the international competition.


- The international competition was held online Telepresence for Egyptian teams in Abi Qir branch.


- The AASTMT was ranked second in the international competition and the Alexandria University team won the third place.


- The AASTMT was also awarded the best report and best technical presentation in the international competition.


- The Egyptian ROV Competition was held in Abi Qir branch in August 2022 with the participation of teams from various universities in Egypt, (M.I.A) team took first place, Vortex Robotics team took second place.


- The Egyptian-Russian forum was held at the Alamein branch from October 4-7, 2021.


-RoboCup Junior Egypt Competition for 2022 was organized from 23-25 March in Abu Qir branch.


- A training camp for students from the AAST was held in August 2022 in Aboukir branch.


- The AASTMT team won first place in Robocup Bangkok, Thailand from July 10-16, 2022 and the award for the best video super team for Rescue Maze.


Year 2021

- The AASTMT team won the first place ECPC2021.


- The AASTMT team won first place in ACPC2021 and qualified for the ICPC to be held in Bangladesh in 2022.


- The Egyptian ECPC Programming Competition for 2021 was organized from 20-28 August 2021 in Abu Qir branch and the AASTMT team Won the second place.


 and qualified for the ACPC that will be held in Luxor on 3-5 December 2021.


- The Egyptian ROV Competition was held in Abi Qir branch from June 2-5, 2021 with the participation of 22 teams from various universities in Egypt.


- Three teams have been qualified from colleges and two teams from schools for the international competition in Egyptian ROV Competition.


- The AASTMT was ranked second in the international competition and the Alexandria University team won the third place in Egyptian ROV Competition.

-The Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI was held from September 26 to October 1, 2021 at al-Alamein Branch.


-  Training of 500 students for 45 hours during August and September 2021 Beaver Challenge.


-The Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI was held from September 26 to October 1, 2021 at al-Alamein Branch.


-The ACPC that will be held in Luxor on 3-5 December 2021.


year 2020

- The first UWR Challenge ROV was held in the colleges in Abi Qir branch with the participation of 20 teams in October, 2020.


- The AASTMT team won first place in ECPC2020.


-The ACPC that will be held in Luxor 2020.


-The EOI was held from September, 2020 in Abi Qir branch.


year 2019

-AASTMT has gained first place in ECPC.


- The AASTMT was ranked second in the international competition and the Alexandria University team won the third place in Egyptian ROV Competition.


-RoboCup Junior Egypt Competition was organized March in Abu Qir branch.


-The Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI was held in September, 2023 at Abou kir Branch , 2 team won the first place.


year 2018

- The AASTMT team won the first place ECPC.


- The AASTMT was ranked second in the international competition and the Alexandria University team won the third place in Egyptian ROV Competition.


-RoboCup Junior Egypt Competition was organized March in Abu Qir branch.


year 2017

-Nine teams won in the 19th Arab competition ACM-ACPC organized by the AASTMT in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, and qualified for the international competition ACM-ICPC 2017, which will be


held in the United States in the month of May 2017 for the best 120 teams in the world.


year 2015


-RoboCup was founded in 1997 with the main goal of “developing by 2050 a Robot Soccer team capable of winning against the human team champion of the FIFA World Cup”. In the next years, RoboCup proposed several soccer platforms that have

been established as standard platforms for robotics research.

year 2008

-Organization of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI2008).


 -Obtaining a bronze medal in the International Olympiad in Informatics IOI2008.


 -Obtaining the third place at the level of the Republic (FLL).


 -Participation in the meeting of the International Committee of the Beaver Informatics Competition (BEBRAS).


 -Attending the Secondary Schools Informatics Conference (ISSEP).


 -Supervising the preparation and training of students to participate in the Robot Contest (Robocon).


 -A project to qualify teachers for the deaf in the literacy curriculum in cooperation with the Sawiris Foundation 2009 Organizing the Arab Software Competition for University Students ACM-ACPC.  


-Obtaining the Distinction and Challenge Cup at the level of the Republic in the FLL competition and obtaining the award for the best project and the best training in the Arab world.


 year 2007

The Academy was chosen to host the competition (ACM2007).


Organizing the Fifth Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI2007.


 year 2006

-The Second Informatics Conference "Digital Divide" was organized.


-Organizing the Fourth Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI2006.


-Organizing the fourth competition within the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics for People with Special Needs EOI2006.


-Bronze Medal in the International Olympiad in Informatics IOI2006.


-Achieving the first and second place in the local competition Robocon2006.


 -Representing the Arab Republic of Egypt in the international competition Robocon 2006.


year 2005

-Obtaining seventh place in the Top Coder competition among 310 participants, which is the body that ranks programmers in the world.


-Organizing the Informatics Conference “Between Ingenuity and Creativity”.


-Organizing the 3rd Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI2005.


-Organizing the third competition within the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics for People with Special Needs EOI2005.


-The Academy team won the bronze medal for the first time for the -Arab Republic of Egypt in the IOI 2005 competition.


-3rd Place and Best Programmer Award in (ACM 2005) competition.


-Organizing the first Hunter and Hunted robotics competition for school students at the Republic level in cooperation between the Academy, the British Cultural Center and the University of Sheffield, Britain.


-2nd and 3rd place in the local competition Robocon2005.


-Obtaining membership in the international committee founding the International Beaver Informatics Competition (BEBRAS).


year 2004

- Organizing the first Syrian Olympiad in Informatics 2004SOI


- The Center's participation in the Animex International Student Animation Awards 2004/2005


- Organizing the Second Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI 2004


- Organizing the second competition within the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics for People with Special Needs EOI 2004


- Supervising the Egyptian team participating in the International Olympiad in Informatics IOI 2004


- The approval of the International Organizing Committee of the International Olympiad in Informatics to host the Arab Republic of Egypt through the Regional Informatics Center as a representative of the Academy to host the 2008 International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).


- The Academy won the fifth place in the competition (ACM 2004)


- Obtaining the first and fourth place and the award for the best innovation in the local competition Robocon2004.


- Representing the Arab Republic of Egypt in the global competition Robocon2004.


- Participation in the Qatar International Hi-Tech Exhibition and Conference 2004.


- Winning the competition of the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development and accepting the study of the project to provide job opportunities for young graduates after qualifying them to work as teachers in the field of literacy for the hearing impaired presented by the Academy in cooperation with the Asdaa Association for the Care of the Hearing Impaired.


year 2003

- Organizing and hosting the first Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics EOI2003.


- Organizing the first competition within the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics for People with Special Needs EOI2003.


- The Academy won the fourth place and the third best technological university in the (ACM 2003) competition.


- The Academy won the first three places in the local competition, Robocon2003.


- Representing the Arab Republic of Egypt in the international competition Robocon2003.


- Participation in the organization of the Fourth Arab International Conference on Information Technology ACIT.


year 2002

- Organizing and hosting the first Arab / Open Olympiad in Informatics AOI 2002.


2nd place in the international competition Quanta 2002.


- The Academy’s participation in the International Olympiad in Informatics IOI2002.


- Obtaining the recognition of the International Federation of Informatics and placing a definition of the Olympiad on the home page of the International Federation of Informatics on the Internet.


- The Academy obtained a seat for three years as a member of the International Committee for the International Olympiad in Informatics.


- Signing an agreement between the Academy and the Ministry of Communications and Information to organize the first Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics for the year 2003.


year 2001

- The Academy supervised the training, follow-up and preparation of the Egyptian team participating in the IOI 2001 competition.


- Second place and the award for the best team in behavior, discipline, attendance and honorable appearance in the seventh international competition for science, mathematics, astronomy and computer science Quanta 2001.


year 2000

The Academy supervised the training and follow-up of the Egyptian team participating in the IOI 2000 competition.