Alumni Membership


An Alumni Membership helps you to communicate and achieve and reward career development through services and benefits that are offer by the Alumni.


Membership Benefits:-


  • An Alumni ID card allows to you to enter the AASTMT Campus, Gym, and the Library.
  • Alumni ID Provides 20% on Postgraduate (MQM – MBA – DBA).
  • Alumni ID Provide also 20% on Community Services Center.
  • Alumni Members need to show their Alumni ID to receive a discount
  • ALUMNI AASTMT and First degree Family members are entitled to receive a multi discounts in different places (hotels, clinics, restaurants, hospitals).
  • Alumni providing discounts for up to 20% to graduates in many of the National and International Trips.
  • We are providing Syndicate Services and equivalency of Certificates from the Supreme Council of Universities.


Membership for Bachelor Degree

Deduct from the insurance fees for every graduate, to be a member of AASTMT Alumni for the first time.

Renew the Alumni Membership

  1. For the first 5 years: 180 L.E Per year.
  2. After the 5 years: 360 L.E Per year.
  3. If the Alumni members don't renew their membership for several years, Membership will have to pay new membership fees. 


 Membership for Postgraduate Degree

  • The postgraduate Alumni have to pay membership fees for the first time 500 L.E.
  • For membership renewal, Alumni members have to pay 360 L.E membership fees.


General Notes:-

  • The renewed membership card. Renew fees if is expired or damaged Alumni members have to pay 180 L.E
  •  He must update his data and renew his photo