Partnerships to achieve the Goal

17.2.3 International collaboration data gathering for SDG

The Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST) actively contributes to fulfilling the requirements of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, particularly in relation to international collaboration in data gathering for the SDGs. AAST engages in partnerships with international organizations and research institutions to collect and analyze data, while also promoting capacity building and technological innovation in data gathering. By enhancing data quality, accessibility, and expertise, AAST supports evidence-based decision-making and strengthens the global data ecosystem for sustainable development.

Integration of Sustainable Development Goals Project in Universities for Better Climate Change Management "Involve"

To strengthen the role of Egyptian Universities in the achievement of the environmentally Sustainable Development Goals SDG by enhancing their organizational governance capacities, creating current and future SDG implementers, and upgrading their operational facilities necessary for the implementation of innovative practices for the achievement of the environmental SDGs. This Project is Funded by Erasmus Plus.

Integration of Sustainable Development Goals Project In Universities For Better Climate Change Management "Involve" project on AASTMT webpage

MED SE(A)CAP Project for Sustainable Development Goals in A Smart Society/ SEACAP 4 SDG

The SEACAP 4 SDG project is fully consistent with the objectives of the Program and the Call for capitalization projects. Indeed, it deals specifically with the energy efficiency of public buildings targeted by the Joint Operational Program thematic objective B.4.3. This is one of the main issues in the Mediterranean basin regarding the impact of climate change on the quality of life (urban heat-island effect, increase in air conditioning and therefore in hot air emissions and energy consumption) and of demography (population increase and rural exodus, in particular in the Southern shore, heliotropism in the North). The project builds on the outputs and outcomes, as well as the partners of the 10 selected reference projects (SRP) out of the 11 reference projects identified by the Program to be capitalized upon (one more technical and research-focused project being less adapted for the purposes of the Project). Indeed, the results of 10 ENPI, ENI, UfM and MED projects will be analyzed, evaluated, and adapted to the climatic, operational and administrative realities of the 8 countries territories covered by the Project. A first pre-evaluation has been carried out by the Partners during the development of the Project proposal, in order to confirm the potential interest of the solutions developed by the SRP for the Partnership (best practices and procedures for building energy refurbishment, school buildings methodologies, financial mechanisms, Living Labs and to raise awareness and ensure the participation of the SRP partners in order to guarantee knowledge and ability to handle SRP outputs and outcomes, and their optimal replication in 8 countries territories. The Project fits perfectly with the capitalization logical framework presented by the Program in the Guidelines for Applicants, and with the INTERACT Program objectives. This Project is Funded by the European Neighborhood Instrument Cross Border Cooperation for Med countries.

MED SE(A)CAP Project for Sustainable Development Goals in A Smart Society/ SEACAP 4 SDG on AASTMT webpage