Partnerships to achieve the Goal

17.2.2 Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs

The Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST) demonstrates a strong commitment to fulfilling the requirements of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, particularly in relation to cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs. AAST actively facilitates discussions and collaborations among academia, government, NGOs, businesses, and other sectors to promote a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections between the SDGs and drive effective implementation. By organizing platforms for engagement and partnership-building, AAST fosters innovative solutions and coordinated actions that accelerate progress towards the SDGs and contribute to a sustainable future.

German African Mediterranean Cooperation toward Prevention of Marine Litter

Within the framework of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport interest in participating in international conferences and forums, Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Bary - Vice President of the Academy and Professor at the Institute of Basic and Applied Sciences - College of Engineering and Technology participated in the Climate Summit Conference held in Sharm El-Sheikh on Wednesday, November 16, by presenting a lecture "German African Mediterranean Cooperation Toward Prevention of Marine Litter"

The summit was run by the Environmental ministers of Egypt, Gabon and Senegal.

His Excellency`s lecture was the only case that was chosen to be presented in this axis as a model for African cooperation.

German African Mediterranean Cooperation Toward Prevention Of Marine Litter. event on AASTMT webpage

AASTMT Participation in COP27

Within the framework of the College of Engineering and Technology’s interest in following up its distinguished graduates and its keenness on their participation in the various activities that achieve the country’s strategic vision and goals, an interesting meeting was held between Dr. Albadr Ossman Head of Construction & Building Department and Eng. Donia Maarouf to attend the COP27 organized by the Arab Republic of Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh to encourage and congratulate it on the occasion of its selection as one of the organizers of the United Nations Climate Youth Conference COY17, which was held in the first of November in Sharm El-Sheikh.

Donia was also invited to attend a panel discussion with the Minister of Youth and Sports, His Excellency Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, in the Zarqa region, within the activities of the COP27 conference on the results of the Climate Youth Conference. The College of Engineering and Technology wishes it more success and excellence in its field of work. It is worth noting that Eng. Donia Maarouf has chosen to work in the field of environmental engineering since her graduation.

AASTMT Participation In COP27 on AASTMT webpage:

"Climate and Energy Impact Showcase" in COP27

The participation of the delegation of the College of Engineering and Technology headed by Dr. Al-Badr Othman - Head of the Department of Construction and Building Engineering today in a session.

Climate and Energy Impact Showcase While attending the COP27 climate conference organized by the Arab Republic of Egypt through the program “Egypt University Partnership Accelerator (UPA) U.S. Exchange” In which the College of Engineering and Technology participates in several Egyptian and international universities to present the faculty`s activities and distinguished undergraduate and postgraduate students` projects that have a link and influence with the topics of the climate conference.