Affordable and Clean Energy


Here are AASTMT 2020/2021 Accomplishments

7.2. University measures towards affordable and clean energy

7.2.1 Energy-efficient renovation and building: Have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations or new builds are following energy efficiency standards

7_2_1_(1) Energy policy

7_2_1_(2)_Strategic Plan

7.2.2. Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency: Have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency

7_2_2_(1)_Energy reduction Plan

7_2_2_(2)_Activities for energy

7.2.3. Carbon reduction and emission reduction process: Have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions

7_2_3_(1) Establishments for less CO2 emissions

7_2_3_(2) Go-Green Events

7.2.4. Plan to reduce energy consumption: Have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce overall energy consumption

7_2_4_(1) Energy Reduction Plan 2020

7_2_4_(2)Activities towards Reduced Energy

7.2.5. Energy wastage identification: Undergo energy reviews to identify areas where energy waste is highest

7_2_5_(1)_schnider smart meters monitoring


7.2.6. Divestment policy: Have a policy on divesting investments from carbon-intensive energy industries notably coal and oil

7_2_6_(1) Energy policy

7_2_6_(2)_Strategic Plan


7.3.  Energy use density

7_3_1_total energy consumption


7.4. Energy and the community

7.4.1. Local community outreach for energy efficiency: Provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy

7_4_1_(1) Orientation Presentation on energy-unit activities 

7_4_1_(2) campaigns

7.4.2. 100% renewable energy pledge: Promote a public pledge toward 100% renewable energy beyond the university

7_4_2_(1) Promote RES to public

7_4_2_(2) Promote RES-related graduation projects

7.4.3. Energy efficiency services for industry: Provide direct services to local industry aimed at improving energy efficiency and clean energy (energy efficiency assessments, workshops, research renewable energy options)

7_4_3_(1)_graduation project linked with industry

7_4_3_(2) Energy sevices offered by aast entities for industry

7.4.4. Policy development for clean energy technology: Inform and support governments in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development

7_4_4_(1) Local, national and regional paticipation

7_4_4_(2) Global research and funded projects

7.4.5. Assistance to low-carbon innovation: Provide assistance for start-ups that foster and support a low-carbon economy or technology

7_4_5_(1) AASTMT support to energy and low-carbon innovation

7_4_5_(2) Examples of AAST support to start-ups