Objective & Aim
Program Objective:
The Construction and Building Program has three program educational objectives (PEOs):-
Secure, and succeed in, professional and responsible engineering positions within the industry.
Be admitted to post-graduate studies at highly respected academic institutions.
Contribute to the discipline such as by participating in professional societies, publishing in journals, and attending conferences, workshops, and professional seminars.
Program Aim:
Graduates of the construction and building engineering program are expected to be able
Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering concepts to the solution of engineering problems.
Design a system component and process to meet the required needs within realistic constraints.
Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data.
 Identify, formulate and solve fundamental engineering problems.
 Use the techniques, skills, and appropriate engineering tools, necessary for engineering practice and project management.
Work effectively within multi-disciplinary teams.
Communicate effectively.
Consider the impacts of engineering solutions on society & environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary engineering issues.
Display professional and ethical responsibilities and contextual understanding
Engage in self- and life- long learning.
 Apply analytical, experimental, design and management techniques with proficiency aided by modern tools.
Understand global, ethical, and social implications of the profession in regard to public safety and sustainability issues.
Acquire and utilize personal, communication, and leadership skills and be able to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team.
Pursue distinguished employment as well as lifelong learning.