IELTS Test Format: 

The IELTS test has 2 formats (Computer-based test& Paper-based test), and it consists of four components: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. The Listening, Reading and Writing parts are taken on the same day one after the other, with no breaks between them. The Speaking test is usually scheduled on the afternoon of the test day; however, it can be scheduled within seven days before or after that. Candidates will be contacted by their local IELTS test center to inform them about the date and location of the speaking test.

IELTS General Training: 

IELTS General Training measures English language proficiency in a practical, everyday context. The tasks and texts reflect both workplace and social situations. The General Training version of the test is typical for those who intend to travel to English-speaking countries to finish secondary education, gain work experience or join training programs. This version of the test is also often a visa requirement if you are planning to migrate to English speaking countries including Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand. 

IELTS Academic: 

IELTS Academic measures English language proficiency needed for an academic, higher learning environment. The tasks and texts cover various subject fields. The Academic format is suitable for those who intend to study in an English-medium university at undergraduate or postgraduate level, or institutions of higher and further education. Many professions (e.g. medical, nursing, accounting, engineering) also require an Academic test result for registration purposes in many countries.  

Reservation policy: 

There are usually 3 exams every month that you can choose from for the Paper-based test, and 3 exams per week for the computer-based test. You can reserve through us online through this link  or visit the British Council or the International Examination Center  in person with the original identification document (Passport or ID) that you want to have your certificate with. 

Should you choose IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training? ​​​​​​​

Each university, employer and immigration department set their own IELTS requirements. You have to check which version of IELTS is accepted by your chosen organization and find out what IELTS score will be required. The score of IELTS is out of 9 marks for each section and 9 marks as an overall score.