TOEFL Preparation Course

 Introduction :

This Preparation Course is designed to help students acquire the skills and confidence necessary to sit for the TOEFL exam.

Course Contents :

The course material provides students with an overview of the TOEFL exam.  It focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to answer the different sections of the exam. Students are provided with several sample exams throughout the course.

Objectives :

  • Familiarize students with the format and directions of the TOEFL test.
  • Familiarize students with the types of questions that are asked in each section.
  • Help students  figure out their weak and strong areas.
  • Develop the English language skills that are necessary to be successful on the test.

Learning Outcomes :

  • Recognize Contextual Clues.
  • Summarize Information.
  • Identify Factual Information.
  • Make Inferences.
  • Use a combination of reading, listening and note-taking skills to synthesize an integrated written summary of information gleaned from reading and listening passages on the same topic.
  • Recognize rhetorical patterns in speech and respond to prompts utilizing those patterns.


4 Weeks (24hrs / Week).