11.2.4.b Public access to green spaces - campus ground

  • 11.2.4.b Public access to green spaces - campus ground

i. Permanent free access to all campus grounds

Within the framework of community responsibility, Rotary Club Alexandria Sunrise, in cooperation with AASTMT, has jointly trained a number of students in various international schools in the environmental initiative.

Links: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rotaryinegypt/permalink/10159994166568326/?sfnsn=scwspwa&mibextid=RUbZ1f&paipv=0&eav=AfYfalx4LjRjYdDNG0hn_fjtPmHPJc3yajBeIfZVS2izsF0TLC7Z04z1ZZpIfyno2eM&_rdr