Partnerships to achieve the Goal

17.4.1 Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education

The Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AAST) is committed to fulfilling the requirements of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, specifically regarding education for SDGs and meaningful education. AAST integrates sustainable development principles into its curriculum, fosters innovation and critical thinking, and collaborates with stakeholders to enhance the quality and relevance of education. By doing so, AAST prepares students to become active contributors to sustainable development and equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills for addressing global challenges.

Mapping AASTMT Courses with the UN SDGs

In pursuit of genuine commitment to the UN-SDGs, AASTMT has launched an initiative in 2020 that incorporates the 17 goals into all courses of all programs across all campuses. The outcome of mapping curricula to the 17 SDGs is a report that showcases the number of courses across all campuses that comply with each SDG.

Mapping AASTMT Courses with the UN SDGs  on AASTMT webpage

Go Green Workshop

At AASTMT Smart Village Campus Within the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) social responsibility, and as part of the National Sustainable Development Strategy "Egypt 2030", as well as AASTMT initiative to raise the environmental awareness at AASTMT Campuses under the umbrella of the Egyptian Ministry of Environment campaign to plastic use abatement, AASTMT held a workshop that entitled “Go Green” on Monday 10- 1- 2022, at AASTMT Smart Village Campus, under the patronage of H.E Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag - AASTMT President, and with the participation of a group of AASTMT Officials, Academic Staff members and Students from different campuses. Link on AASTMT Page

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

A symposium organized by the Department of Community Service and Environmental Affairs at the Institute of Productivity and Quality “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation” presented by Colonel Dr. Mohamed Abdel Hamid Al-Bassa - Head of the Weather Conditions Branch, Marine Survey Division - Egyptian Naval Forces - on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at nine-thirty in the evening, local time. Cairo via Zoom

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation  on the AASTMT webpage

The Fourth Edition of the Arab Week for Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag – President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) participated in the activities of the Fourth Edition of the Arab Week for Sustainable Development that was organized by the League of Arab States, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development in Egypt, the United Nations, the European Union, and the World Bank, during the period from 13 - 15 February 2022, under the theme "Together for Sustainable Recovery", as to probe ways of alleviating repercussions and negative impacts of coronavirus to help achieve sustainable development goals in Arab countries.

The Fourth Edition of the Arab Week for Sustainable Development on the AASTMT news page