Partnerships to achieve the Goal

17.2.5 Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs

Science and technology institutions play a crucial role in fulfilling the requirements of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, particularly regarding collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for the SDGs. By partnering with NGOs, science and technology institutions combine their scientific expertise with community-driven approaches to address complex challenges. Through these collaborations, they provide support, capacity building, and access to grassroots networks, contributing to the effective implementation of the SDGs and creating meaningful and sustainable change.

Green Land Green Skills for A Sustainable Development 

The Mediterranean area suffers from extremely high rates of youth and female unemployment. To face this challenge, GREENLAND promotes social inclusion and fight against poverty by providing unskilled and underprivileged young people with marketable skills in the Green and Circular Economy, with the potential to generate thousands of jobs. To reach its objective, the project will create new curricula based on market needs, skills transfer to NEETs and women, media-based training tools, and cultural exchanges among young people. This project is funded by ENI CBC MED Program.

Green Land Green Skills for A Sustainable Development  project on AASTMT webpage 

Integration of Sustainable Development Goals In universities for Better Climate Change Management "Involve" 

To strengthen the role of the Egyptian Universities in the achievement of the environmental Sustainable Development Goals through enhancing their organizational governance capacities, creating current and future SDGs implementers, and upgrading their operational facilities necessary to the implementation of innovative practices for the achievement of the environmental SDGs. This is an Erasmus plus funded project.

Integration of Sustainable Development Goals Inuniversities for Better Climate Change Management "Involve" project on AASTMT webpage 

Academy Publishing Center

APC is the publishing center of Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), whose main campus is located in Alexandria, Egypt. As of January 2022; APC has six current e-journals in different majors. APC adopting the open access model in all published journals.

Academy Publishing Center ( link for the AASTMT webpage