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  • Hosting of the Smart Village Branch of the Academy for the Extraordinary Meeting of the Organizational Committee for Coordination and Follow-up, Derived from the Economic and Social Council

Hosting of the Smart Village Branch of the Academy for the Extraordinary Meeting of the Organizational Committee for Coordination and Follow-up, Derived from the Economic and Social Council

"The extraordinary meeting of the Organizational Committee for Coordination and Follow-up, derived from the Economic and Social Council, concluded on Thursday, December 3, 2020, at the Smart Village Branch of the Academy. The meeting was preceded by the activities of the Technical Committee concerned with studying the unified systems of specialized Arab organizations, which took place on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

The Organizational Committee for Coordination and Follow-up discussed several topics, including:

  1. Alternative plans for implementing projects, activities, and approved programs in the event of the continued repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Report and recommendations of the Technical Committee concerned with studying the basic unified systems.

In his welcoming speech, Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel-Ghaffar, the President of the Academy, welcomed the honorable representatives of Arab countries, the honorable Minister Plenipotentiary, Mohammed Kheir Abdel Qader, the Director of the Organizations and Arab Associations Department at the Arab League, and the presidents and directors of Arab specialized organizations. He expressed his appreciation for their presence and participation in the meeting, which was held for the first time at the Smart Village Branch of the Academy, this giant institution that was established seven years ago within the premises of the Smart Village, the city of communications and information technology in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

He praised the role of the League of Arab States, represented by the Management of Organizations and the Arab Union, in holding the meeting amidst the repercussions of the coronavirus, for the first time using the hybrid system (in-person and video conference), which marks the beginning of returning to full attendance meetings.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Arab countries, the delegation of the General Secretariat of the Arab League, headed by His Excellency Minister Plenipotentiary Mohammed Kheir, the Director of the Organizations and Arab Associations Department, and the presidents and directors of Arab organizations and unions.

The meetings were chaired by His Excellency Mr. Hussein Al-Shuwaish, the Deputy Minister of Finance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Haider Nouri, the Deputy Minister of Commerce in the Republic of Iraq, serving as the committee's rapporteurs."