• News
  • The Saudi Minister of Transport visits the branch of the Arab Academy in the Smart Village, and Professor/Dr. Ismail AbdelGhaffar confirms the depth of Egyptian-Saudi relations.

The Saudi Minister of Transport visits the branch of the Arab Academy in the Smart Village, and Professor/Dr. Ismail AbdelGhaffar confirms the depth of Egyptian-Saudi relations.

  • OCT 25, 2021
  • Smart Village
  • General

Professor/Dr. Ismail AbdelGhaffar emphasizes the depth of Egyptian-Saudi relations.

Today, Tuesday, His Excellency Professor/Dr. Ismail AbdelGhaffar received His Excellency Mr. Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser, the Minister of Transport and Logistics Services of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with the accompanying delegation.

The visit took place on the sidelines of the meetings of the Arab Transport Ministers Council and its Executive Office, held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League, in the presence of Their Excellencies and Honorable Ministers.

The Saudi Minister of Transport met with Dr. Ismail AbdelGhaffar, where he received a comprehensive explanation about the history, establishment, development, vision, as well as a brief overview of the administrative and academic system, colleges, and affiliated centers of the Academy. Additionally, various academic programs and facilities provided by the Academy to support the educational process were presented.

During the meeting, held at the President's office in the Smart Village branch, Professor/Dr. Ismail AbdelGhaffar expressed his appreciation, along with the Academy's staff, for the visit of the Saudi Minister of Transport and the accompanying delegation. He confirmed the deep relations between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, emphasizing that they are historical relations with deep roots.

The Academy's President also gave a presentation about the colleges and specialties available, stating that since its establishment, the Academy has sought to be an active partner in enhancing the quality of university education and providing a learning environment committed to providing the best means for innovation and excellence.

Afterwards, the President of the Academy took the Saudi Minister of Transport and the accompanying delegation on a tour of the various facilities within the Smart Village branch. The minister enjoyed explanations about the Academy's laboratories and facilities that were visited.