1.3.3 Low-income student support

  • 1.3.3 Low-income student support

Within the framework of the social responsibility undertaken by the Arab Academy, not only for its male and female students, but also towards the local, regional and Arab community, the Academy always plays a supportive role for the parents of the students who are financially distressed and unable to fulfill their full academic dues.

Specifically, for this purpose, the President of the Academy gave directions for the establishment of the Student Support Department in the Deanery of Student Affairs to receive, study, and decide on such cases through social support and case study committees, so that it is possible for all students to regularly study and register courses, and to fully concentrate on the educational process and academic and scholastic achievement.

Student Social Support

Requests for Social Support are submitted to:

• Department of Student Support for Social Cases at the Deanery of Student Affairs which, in turn, receives parents and students, works to fulfill the desired standards and necessary documents, studies the cases, and then prepares the work of the social support committees for presentation to the committee members before submitting them to the President of the Academy for review and approval.

• Email of the President of the Academy
-    Requests submitted by the Deanery of Admission and Registration regarding critical 
   academic cases deserving of support that are not announced due to the difficult financial 
-    Delegation agencies that support students with special social conditions.

Target group:

Students whose financial capabilities or those of their families do not meet the following:

  • Payment of tuition fees
  • Commuting
  • Housing
  • Nutrition

The academy aims to provide financial support to a percentage ranging between 10% and 15% of new students in each semester, provided that supporting documents are submitted.


The Academy is responsible for identifying and supporting students whose capabilities are not sufficient to pay tuition fees and related matters through financial support programs. 
The responsibility for identifying this category of students lies with the competent authorities as follows:
  • Financial Affaire
  • Admission
  • Students Affairs
The student receives full support or partial support depending on the case study, in addition to moral assistance from the deans of colleges, heads of departments, the college support team,
​​​​​​​ the Deanery of Admission and Registration, and the Deanery of Student Affairs.

Conditions for Applying for and Continuity of Student Support [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

  1. The student’s semester or cumulative GPA should not be less than 2.4 when applying for exceptional support. In case the student receives social support and then his cumulative GPA falls below 2.4, social support is suspended until the average is raised and at least a 2.4 GPA is achieved.
  2. The student must not have previously been included in Student Affairs committees and received a disciplinary penalty for violating the Academy’s student conduct regulations.
  3. The student must submit documents supporting the application proving the extent of his eligibility for social support, such as (death certificates - certified medical reports - parental separation voucher - social research indicating eligibility for support - ..........)
  4. The originals of these documents must be submitted for review, and a copy must be attached to the support form.
  5. The discounts granted apply to study hours for courses registered for the first time only and do not include administrative fees.
  6. The discounts granted do not apply to repeated courses, improvement hours, failing courses, or debts owed by the student unless the ratification of His Excellency the President of the Academy stipulates otherwise.
  7. The Social Support Committee meets every semester, and His Excellency President of the Academy determines the committee’s meeting date sufficiently before the beginning of the semester to decide on the applications and submit them to His Excellency President of the Academy - for approval, so that parents can pay fees, register academic courses, and attend to their families.

Please refer to the Admissions webpage for

AASTMT Financial Aid and

Conditions for Applying for and Continuity of Student Support

Additional Links for student support on Admissions webpage:

Students support and Expatriates Affairs

Student support Funds

Students Nutrition

Financial support from charitable organizations

In cooperation with AASTMT, charitable organizations provide scholarships and financial support to academy students.

Those organizations seek to support students with financial needs to enable them to continue their university education and achieve their academic ambitions, and students with special needs.

The Academy cooperates with institutions and entities internally and externally to provide support to students:​​​​​​​

Entities inside Egypt such as:

  • Abu Elenin Foundation for Social Activity
  • Misr Al Khair Foundation
  • Sawiris Foundation for Social Development
  • Agricultural Bank in Matrouh Governorate
  • Ezz iron

Parties outside Egypt such as:

  • Eastern Triangle Consulting and Development Company - Yemen
  • Iraqi Oil Tanker Company - Iraq
  • Ministry of Maritime Transport - Yemen
  • Sea Ports Authority - Sudan
  • Arab cultural attachés

Protocols & Partnerships with Charities Institutions

Financial Support Rates

  • In accordance with the regulations in place to help financially distressed students, the Academy allocates full or partial support according to the case study or through donors for each semester, provided that supporting documents are submitted and each case is studied individually.
  • Some Arab students are supported, as their tuition fees are calculated like the Egyptians.
  • There are scholarships from the academy for some Arab students, the percentage of which varies from 30% to 70%.
  • The Academy grants some Arab graduates a discount ranging from 25% to 30% for tuition fees for each semester. The cases are presented to the financial support committees and the discount rates are determined and then approved by His Excellency the President of the Academy to activate the discount for students.
  • There are full scholarships from the Academy for students in developing countries, whether at the bachelor’s level in colleges or in postgraduate programs, provided that the student maintains his academic excellence.

Financial Aid Form