Contact Us

Arabic Academy for Science and technology & Maritime Transport

Integrated Simulators Complex


P.O.BOX : 1029- Alexandria-Egypt


You can contact us by email:

  • Mob: +2 012 23342347
  • Tel: +2 03 5622533
  • Fax: +2 03 5628801



AASTMT-GE DP training center management and staff


Name/email Title Name/email Title
Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar AASTMT President Steven Sandercott GE Offshore Regional Manager (Representative in Project)
Dr. Mohamed Shabban Aly Dean of Integrated Simulators Complex Ahmad Abdel Maksoud GE Projrct Manager (Project Representative & point of Contact with the NI.)
Prof. Cap./ Ibrahim Ghazy Head of Offshore & Dynamic Positioning Dept.
Eng. Tamer Riad Asst. Manager of ODP Dept.
Eng. Eslam Gaballah ISC Technical Head
Capt. Ahmad Salem NI DP Instructor
Mai Nasrallah Admission & Registration Officer



AASTMT-MT&SMA DP training center management and staff


Name/email Title Name/email Title
Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar AASTMT President Michael Bang MT Manning Directore (Representative in Project)
Amr Moneer Cairo Marine & Offshore Simulator Manager Ahmad Abdel Maksoud SMA Founder (Project Representative & point of Contact with the NI.)
Tamer Riad Admission & Registration Officer Karsten Haegg Project Representative & point of Contact with the NI.
Sameh Soroor Technical Support Christian Michelsen MT Sales Manager
Capt. Ahmad Sary DP Instructor
Tarek Ismail DP Instructor
Ahmad Salem DP Instructor
Sherif Yehia DP Instructor