AASTMT Practical Training

Pyramedia - Media Consulting and Production Company

Pyramedia - Media Consulting and Production Company

Pyramedia Media Consulting and Production Company offered specialized training programs for the students of the College of Language & Communication, in all our campuses. Over a period of one week, students of the College of Language & Communication at the Arab Academy attended a training program that was prepared and designed by Pyramedia Media Consulting and Production Company - Abu Dhabi. The training featured highly experienced professionals from Egypt and the UAE in the fields of filmmaking, cinematography, production, writing skills, radio-broadcasting, digital media, digital content and digital marketing. The latest equipment and applications were effectively deployed during the training. Students made a field-visit to Abu Dhabi Media Studios as well as the Emirates FM Radio and Faculty of Media and Mass Communication at the United Arab Emirates University. The training was undertaken under the supervision of Prof. Abeer Refky, Dean of the College of Language and Communication (CLC), (AASTMT), the renowned media personality Dr Nashwa Al Ruwaini – Chief Executive, Pyramedia Productions and Dr Alaa Ragab, Training Head at Pyramedia.

University / Company

Pyramedia - Media Consulting and Production Company

Location Of Training

United Arab Emirates

Student Number

5 student

Number of Instructors

2 professor

Training starts From





7 days