Internal and external transfer

All transfer applications, both external and internal, are submitted to the Admission and Registration Deanery according to the following:I. Transfer from other institutions:AASTMT accepts students transferred from other institutions according to the following terms and conditions:1. The university from which the student transfers is an institution accredited by concerned authorities with an equivalent certificate.2. Transferred students are to meet AASTMT admission requirements taking into consideration the academic duration in the college transferred from and their military status.3. Transferred students must not have been dismissed from their previous universities for disciplinary reasons.4. Transferred students should meet the requirements of transfer set by College Council they would like to transfer to.5. Transferred students should have completed at least one academic semester in their previous universities.6. Courses already completed by the student may be transferred provided that they are equivalent to those studied at AASTMT and that the grade obtained in such courses is not less than “C” in the credit hours system.7. Transferred credit hour grades are not calculated in a student’s GPA but shall only be transferred in their transcript as achieved hours within the graduation requirements.8. The number of transferred credit hours must not exceed 50% of the graduation requirements in the college a student transfer to.II. Optional Transfer within AASTMTStudents may transfer from one department to another within the same college or from one college to another within AASTMT – as per the student’s request – provided the following:1. Meeting admission requirements and obtaining approval from the department or college the student wishes to transfer to.2. The remaining period spent by the student in the college or major he/she transfers to is sufficient to meet graduation requirements in terms of maximum limit for academic years or for postponing military service.3. Student’s grades in courses studied at the college transferred from shall be counted and accepted in the new major as part of the graduation requirements if they have equivalent courses at the College of Dentistry.