Admission Requirements

All students must sit for an English writing placement test and an interview before getting accepted
Students must fulfill the requirements of the Supreme Council for higher Education

All students must sit for an English writing placement test and an interview before getting accepted
Students must fulfill the requirements of the Supreme Council for higher Education


Student selections procedures

Student selections procedures

The International Programs are very much crucial to our institution, as it is an important entry stage for the students to the Bachelor degree. The admission requirements of the International Programs for the bachelor degrees necessitate that the student should fulfil the entrance requirements of AASTMT and UWIC.

The Programs Director reviews the applicants’ files after the initial interview to ensure that the following criterion is met:
All students must sit for an English Writing placement test.

  • IGCSE Students: must have at least 8 O level, according to the Supreme Council of Universities’ rule concerning the IGCSE graduates.
  • American Diploma Students: must have SAT 1 Exam with minimum score of 1200 (Grade 10, Grade11, Grade 12)
  • General High School certificate (Thanawia Amma): must have minimum of 70% and must have taken Math courses