
CMT provides high quality undergraduate and graduate business programs for worldwide students through distinguished teaching, applied research and collaborative partnerships. CMT prepares its graduates to compete effectively in the global business environment. CMT research activities focus on Arab region’s sustainable environmental, social and economic development.


To be recognized as premiere business college in higher education and applied research, serving industry and society.

Core Values

The Core Values of the CMT play a fundamental role in all the strategies, activities performed by our employees and faculty staff members. The values of the CMT include the following:

  • We value our students. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we welcome the responsibility of working with students to facilitate their learning in a high quality educational environment.
  • We value high ethical standards. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we value honesty, integrity, and dignity in our interactions with colleagues and students and seek to act in accord with the highest standards of professional ethics at all times.
  • We value high ethical standards. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we value honesty, integrity, and dignity in our interactions with colleagues and students and seek to act in accord with the highest standards of professional ethics at all times.
  • We value the educational process. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we welcome the responsibility to develop and deliver high quality educational programs to students in the College and throughout the University.
  • We value the process of research and scholarship. As faculty, we seek to expand the knowledge in our disciplines by conducting relevant and valid research and to disseminate this knowledge through teaching, intellectual contributions, and service Actions.
  • We value the communities we serve. We recognize and appreciate the contributions that all Egypt communities make to the College and University in the forms of students, resources, and opportunities for business and personal growth.
  • We value, and embrace diversity, addition and cooperation. We respect the rights, culture, and dignity of all persons as contributing members of the team by utilizing multiple perspectives and talents.
  • We value, and embrace transparency, democracy, equality, objectivity and justice.
  • We value teamwork. All the staff of the CMT should work together to achieve an ultimate aim which is preparing graduates who are beneficial to their countries and their societies as whole.
  • We value creativity and innovation in all of our educational and non-educational activities.
  • In summary, our core values can be reflected in 5 points:

The school has 5 core values which are a result of AAST’s history and the culture of the Egyptian society which are aligned with stakeholders’ requirements. The mission and vision are aligned with the following core values:

  1. Loyalty – constantly devoted individuals
  2. Commitment – willingness to fulfill duties
  3. Integrity – having strong moral values
  4. Diligence – developing highly qualified individuals
  5. Innovation – ability to generate novel ideas

Strategic Objectives of the College of Management and Technology (CMT)

Goal (1): Promoting Excellence in Education.
  • 1.1 Excellence in providing quality educational service
  • 1.2 Excellence in qualifying of CMT Teaching and Administrative Staff
Goal (2): Excellence in qualifying the graduate of the CMT to meet the requirements of the labor market
  • 2.1 Excellence in qualifying CMT students.
  • 2.2 Excellence in Student life and student Services.
Goal (3): Excellence in Scientific Research.
  • 3.1 To create and support a culture of scientific research.
  • 3.2 o guide faculty members to the importance of research and how to conduct it.
Goal (4): Excellence in Social Responsibility
  • 4.1 To enhance the social responsibility efforts of the CMT.
  • 4.2 o encourage student volunteering activities inside and outside the campus.