Student Affairs  Heliopolis


Through the insightful vision of the president of the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport and its administrators, who felt that in light of the economic challenges prevailing today at the local, regional and international levels and the steady economic growth, the development of university students ' skills in all scientific, ethical and societal Fields has become an urgent need and a goal sought by various universities to graduate distinguished students flocked by bodies, companies and institutions to work in them - whether service or productive, in order to recruit individuals with knowledge, creation and loyalty to them and thus protect their survival and stay at competitive rates for them. In this spirit and in line with the challenges of the Times, at the beginning of 1998, the Deanship of Student Affairs – Heliopolis - was established at the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport – one of the specialized organizations of the league of Arab states – In the Arab Republic of Egypt, in order to transfer the Academy's expertise to the Arab world as a whole, and since the Academy enjoys a prestigious position in the Arab and African countries, we had to work to qualify our students and human cadres for our graduates to carry out many activities and services, including sports, community, moral and cultural, which is a cornerstone in achieving renaissance for all Arab and African countries.For more than a decade, since its establishment, the deanship has been providing high-level student services and activities to its students from all sectors of the Arab and African society.The deanship is also keen to appoint a professional and qualified staff at the highest available level of competence, and its main goal is to use the best And working on their continuous participation to the deanship in putting forward effective ideas in the field of developing activities and services provided to students at the academy, as well as creating better job sites, which will have the greatest impact on spreading the concepts and climate of student cadres development in the undergraduate period and sweeping the labor markets in Arab and African countries.The Deanship of Student Affairs – Heliopolis is currently, as a result of its outstanding contribution to the development of student cadres, one of the most important leading deaneries in universities in both Arab and African countries in providing everything new to its students, developing their skills and taking care of them.Based on the message of the deanship, it has taken upon itself a major task, which is to build student cadres with high efficiency and high ethics in order to become worthy of conquering all fields of business in all countries, whether international or in the Arab world, to be a leader in the development of student cadres, and this will only come through concerted efforts among the parties concerned in this regard.Prof.Dr. Hadi Maged El Helou dean of Student Affairs-Cairo