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  • College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and Technology participation in COP27

College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and Technology participation in COP27

College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and Technology participated in the Climate Conference COP27, which is being held in Sharm El Sheikh during the month of November, Dr. Both in the field of energy and environment. The lectures dealt with the following topics:
1- Scaling up active mobility in africa - Energy day- ministry of housing
2- Utilising the overcapacity of renewable energy in egypt
3- Smart adaptable strategies for climate changes
4- Egypt practices for green buildings and sustainable cities
They also discussed the possibility of cooperation in various fields with various agencies and companies
- Urban Communities Authority
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning
- Un-Habitat
World Bank
- Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
- Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency