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  • “Go Media” Hosts Ramez Amir on Smart Village Campus – Ramez’s Message to All is “Hold on to your dreams”

“Go Media” Hosts Ramez Amir on Smart Village Campus – Ramez’s Message to All is “Hold on to your dreams”

  • MAR 01, 2020
  • Smart Village
  • General

“Go Media” Society hosted actor Ramez Amir on Smart Village Campus in an open dialogue with all AASTians, under the supervision of Professor Hanan Youssef, Dean of the College of Language and Communication, and interviewed by Omar Mossad, Salma Ashraf, and Farah Ehab. Ramez shared glimpses of his professional career as an actor with all students, shedding more light on the obstacles he faced,thesuccesses he made, the most prominent roles he played especially in Pharaoh`s War (2019) and Kafr Delhab (2017), and how he quit smoking when he took up sport as a lifestyle and that helped him in his role in “Hamlet Feroun” without the need for stuntmen. Ramez, who was born in 1988, advised all students to hold on to their dreams no matter what the odds are. Professor Hanan Youssef honored the actor for the inspirational stories he shared with the students wishing him more successes to come.