13.3.5 Environmental education collaborate with NGO

  • 13.3.5 Environmental education collaborate with NGO

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) has embraced its role in fostering environmental education and climate adaptation by actively collaborating with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other educational institutions. This approach is in line with Indicator 13.3.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasizes the importance of cooperative efforts in addressing climate change challenges. AASTMT’s initiatives in this area are geared towards broadening the scope and impact of environmental education, promoting sustainable practices, and facilitating climate adaptation strategies.

The following are key implementations by AASTMT that highlight our collaborative efforts with various NGOs and educational entities on both local and regional levels:

Initiative towards a Green and Sustainable Future (13 September 2022):

AASTMT’s College of Engineering and Technology hosted an initiative to foster cooperation between the academy and schools for sustainable development education. This initiative included visits to the academy's solar power plant renewable energy lab, and the Aquaculture Center, involving students from various schools in Alexandria.

Green-Sustainable-Future-Initiative-Link on the AASTMT news page

World Environment Day 2022 (18 July 2022):

Organized by AASTMT, this event was part of our commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection.​​​​​​​

World-Environment-Day-2022 on the AASTMT news page

IEEE YESIST12 Prelim 2022 (4 July 2022):

Hosted by AASTMT’s College of Engineering and Technology, this competition attracted participants from all over Egypt to compete in tracks serving different SDGs, including the WEPOWER track focused on SDG 7.

IEEE-YESIST12-Prelim-2022 on the AASTMT news page

Radio Interview on Smart Grid Technology Master Program (4 March 2022):

Professors Mostafa Abdel Geleil and Mostafa Saad discussed the Smart Grid Technology Master Program, emphasizing its relevance to sustainable energy and climate change solutions.

Climate Protectors Initiative (27 Feb 2022):

This initiative aimed at raising youth awareness about climate change and its impact on various SDGs and fostering skills for reducing carbon footprint.​​​​​​​

Climate-Protectors-Initiative on theAASTMT web page

Prepare for Green” Symposium and “Go Green” Workshop (10 Jan 2022):

These events, organized by AASTMT’s smart village branch, were part of the national “EGYPT 2030” sustainable development strategy, focusing on raising environmental awareness. ​​​​​​​

Prepare-Go-Green-Events on the AASTMT news page

Egyptian Photovoltaic Energy Market Seminar (26 Oct. 2021):​​​​​​​

This seminar, led by Professor Ahmed Kadry Abdelsalam, focused on solar energy trends and advancements.

BE POSITIVE Campaign (15 July 2021):

Organized by AASTMT's ENERGY UNIT, this campaign focused on raising awareness about the importance of reducing energy usage.

Uni-Green Project:

AASTMT has been a nonprofit and non-governmental entity under the Arab League, contributing significantly to the education and training in the Arab and African regions. The Uni-Green project is part of this continuous effort, aligning with the national strategy for sustainable development "Egypt 2030".

 Uni-Green-Project on the AASTMT news page

Meet Egypt's Mentees for Innovative Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship Center Spin-Offs:

AASTMT’s Entrepreneurship Center played a key role in INTECMED's mentorship program, supporting innovative business ideas that align with sustainable development goals.

Meet Egypt's Mentees For Innovative Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship Center Spin-Offs on the AASTMT web page

PROJECT: Monitoring, Assessment, and Innovative Treatment Technology to Enhance Groundwater Quality:

This project aims at improving groundwater quality for irrigation and adapting to climate change, especially in arid districts where groundwater is a crucial resource.

Groundwater-Quality-Project-Link on the AASTMT news page

Project: Climate Change Management Through Mitigation and Adaptation (Adaptm):

Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, this project aims to modernize and develop master’s degrees in environmental science in Egypt, aligning with European educational standards.

AdapTM-Project-Link on the AASTMT news page

Project: Integration Of Sustainable Development Goals In Universities (Involve):

Aiming to strengthen the role of Egyptian universities in achieving environmental SDGs.

INVOLVE-Project on the AASTMT news page

Minister of Environment’s Support for Reducing Plastic Bags:

In collaboration with AASTMT, efforts were made to reduce the use of plastic bags, contributing to pollution reduction and sustainable development.

Plastic-Bags-Reduction-Initiative on the AASTMT news page

AASTMT's active participation in these diverse initiatives demonstrates our deep commitment to environmental education and collaboration with NGOs and government bodies in climate adaptation strategies. These efforts highlight our role in contributing to a sustainable future and combating climate change on both a local and regional scale.

Through these diverse initiatives, AASTMT demonstrates a robust commitment to environmental education and climate adaptation in collaboration with various NGOs and educational institutions. These efforts reflect our dedication to fostering a sustainable future and contributing actively to global climate action.