13.3.3 Co-operative planning for climate change disasters

  • 13.3.3 Co-operative planning for climate change disasters

In alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13), the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) has dedicated significant efforts towards Indicator 13.3.3, which emphasizes cooperative planning for climate change disasters. This includes preparedness for and adaptation to the wide-ranging impacts of climate change, such as the potential displacement of people and the challenges posed to both local and regional infrastructures.

Understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of climate-related challenges, AASTMT has adopted a proactive and collaborative approach. Our initiatives span from academic research and educational programs to practical fieldwork and international cooperation. These efforts are not only aimed at equipping our students and faculty with the knowledge and skills to address climate change but also involve working closely with government bodies, local communities, and international organizations to develop and implement effective strategies for climate resilience.

The following sections outline a series of initiatives and activities undertaken by AASTMT. These include specialized workshops, educational courses, international conferences, and collaborative projects, all designed to foster a deeper understanding of climate change issues and to develop practical solutions. The activities range from local endeavors, such as workshops on energy efficiency and renewable energy, to regional and international collaborations, including participation in global conferences and initiatives like the United Nations Climate Protectors Initiative.

Each of these initiatives reflects AASTMT's commitment to enhancing climate change education and disaster resilience planning at both local and regional levels. By engaging a diverse range of stakeholders and focusing on sustainable and innovative solutions, AASTMT aims to contribute significantly to the global efforts in combating climate change and promoting a sustainable future for all. This includes local and regional initiatives that encompass a wide range of activities from academic courses and conferences to practical fieldwork and international collaborations. Below are some of the key initiatives undertaken by AASTMT:

Participation in League of Arab States Committees:

Additionally, AASTMT has actively participated in all meetings of committees related to climate change, environment, and disaster risk reduction held at the League of Arab States. This involvement exemplifies AASTMT's commitment to regional collaboration and policymaking in climate action. AASTMT's engagement with the League of Arab States committees is a critical component of our broader strategy to address climate change and environmental sustainability at a regional level. Through regular attendance at these meetings, AASTMT has been able to contribute to and stay informed about the latest developments, policies, and initiatives in the realm of climate change and disaster risk reduction across the Arab region. This participation allows AASTMT to align its educational programs, research initiatives, and campus sustainability projects with regional objectives and priorities. It also offers a valuable platform for AASTMT to share its expertise, learn from other members' experiences, and forge partnerships that enhance the effectiveness of our climate action strategies. The collaboration with the League of Arab States reinforces AASTMT’s role as a key player in shaping the region’s response to environmental challenges and in promoting sustainable development across the Arab world.

Pathway to Water Security in Egypt through Reverse Osmosis Desalination:

Dr. Mohamed Mito from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology delivered a lecture on the significance of desalination as a renewable energy source and its role in ensuring water security in Egypt. This initiative aligns with Egypt's hosting of COP27.

Pathway-to-Water-Security- on the AASTMT news page

Program for Making Cities Resilient 2030 in Ismailia:

AASTMT's Productivity and Quality Institute organized a project under the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction initiative, focusing on building resilience in Egyptian cities against various disasters, including those induced by climate change.

Cities-Resilient-Program-Ismailia- on the AASTMT news page

Program for Making Cities Resilient 2030:

Continued efforts in the initiative with workshops aimed at enhancing public health sector resilience and city preparedness. ​​​​​​​

Cities-Resilient-Program- on the AASTMT news page

December 2022 Visit and Development Plan at the Industrial Technical Secondary School for Drinking Water and Sanitation in Alexandria:

This visit focused on enhancing energy efficiency and is part of the SEACAP 4SDG 2021-2023 project. ​​​​​​​

A Visit To The Industrial Technical Secondary School For Drinking Water And Sanitation In Alexandria on the AASTMT news page

AASTMT Visit to Alexandria Water Company:

This collaboration aimed to discuss joint work for improving energy efficiency within the company.

Visit to Alexandria Water Company on the AASTMT news page

Development Plan for AbuKir National Hospital:

Implemented on 9 Feb 2022, this initiative focused on rationalizing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency. ​​​​​​​

AbuKir-Hospital-Development-Plan on the ENI CBCMED web page

Development Plan for AbuKir National Hospital:

Implemented on 9 Feb 2022, this initiative focused on rationalizing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency.

AbuKir-Hospital-Development-Plan on the ENI CBCMED web page

Electrical Energy Efficiency Workshop (6 Dec 2022):

This joint workshop with the University of Twente and ABB Industries covered topics like power drives, shore supply, and sustainability in marine applications.

Marine Renewable Energy” Workshop on the AASTMT news page

Workshop for Marine Engineering on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Marine Application (21 Nov. 2022):

Focusing on sustainable practices in the marine sector, this workshop delved into energy efficiency and renewable energy applications in marine engineering.

Marine-Engineering-Energy-Workshop- on the AASTMT news page

Green Environment Workshop (18 Nov. 2022):

Aimed at promoting environmental awareness and green practices, this workshop contributed to fostering a sustainable mindset among the participants.

Green-Environment-Workshop- on the AASTMT news page

Workshop on Electric Vehicles (12 Oct. 2022):

Addressing the growing importance of electric vehicles in sustainable transportation, this workshop explored their potential and challenges.