8.2.8 Employment practice appeal process

  • 8.2.8 Employment practice appeal process

The Employment Practice Appeal Process at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) is a vital component of the institution's commitment to fair and transparent employment practices. It aligns closely with Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8), which seeks to promote decent work and sustainable economic growth. AASTMT ensures transparent recruitment and equal opportunities, enabling individuals to access employment opportunities regardless of their background. The institution's commitment to labor rights, dispute resolution, and capacity building for its employees contributes to a healthy working environment and skill development, which are essential elements of SDG 8. Moreover, AASTMT regularly monitors its employment practices and reports on progress to uphold accountability and transparency in its pursuit of sustainable employment practices.

In essence, AASTMT's Employment Practice Appeal Process fosters fairness, inclusivity, and the promotion of labor rights, all of which are integral to achieving SDG 8's objectives. It underscores the institution's dedication to contributing to global efforts to create decent work opportunities, reduce inequalities, and foster sustainable economic growth.

The Grievance and Appeals Policy and Procedures established by the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport is closely related to Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) by fostering a fair and inclusive work environment. This policy ensures that all complaints and grievances raised by staff members concerning human resource management and work-related matters, including staff rights and pay appeals, are addressed constructively and promptly.

Please read AASTMT’s Grievance and Appeals Policy

Also, the Human Resources Department at the AASTMT has conducted several workshops in several AASTMT campuses in the Academic year 2021-2022 to explain the grievance and appeals policy to all AASTMT full-time and part-time staff.

Workshops for AASTMT staff to explain the Grievance and Appeals Policy

The HR department at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) conducted informative workshops aimed at educating AASTMT staff about the Grievance and Appeals Policy. These workshops played a pivotal role in fostering a deeper understanding of the policy's mechanisms, ensuring that employees are aware of their rights and the avenues available for addressing workplace concerns. By providing this crucial knowledge, the HR department empowers staff to engage in a fair and transparent process, thereby promoting a harmonious work environment in alignment with SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth. These efforts contribute to SDG 8's objective of promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, as they support the development of a skilled, motivated, and well-informed workforce, ultimately leading to improved job satisfaction, reduced inequalities, and a more productive workforce at AASTMT.

Workshop in Alamein Campus to explain the Grievance and Appeals Policy

On the 9th of February 2022, the HR department at AASTMT's Alamein Campus conducted a workshop tailored specifically for the staff, focusing on elucidating the Grievance and Appeals Policy. These workshops served as a cornerstone for promoting a fair and transparent work environment, ensuring that employees are well-versed in their rights and avenues for addressing workplace concerns. By imparting this essential knowledge, the HR department empowers staff at the Alamein Campus to actively engage in a robust and equitable process, thereby fostering a workplace culture that aligns with the principles of Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) – Decent Work and Economic Growth.​​​​​​​

The workshops provided a comprehensive understanding of the Grievance and Appeals Policy, outlining the procedures for submitting and resolving grievances, and clarifying the role of HR personnel in the process. Employees were equipped with the tools to voice their concerns and seek resolution, contributing to SDG 8's goal of reducing inequalities by ensuring that every staff member has access to a fair and impartial mechanism for addressing workplace issues.

Moreover, these workshops emphasized the importance of creating a harmonious and productive work environment, in line with SDG 8's objective of promoting sustainable economic growth. By addressing grievances effectively, the Alamein Campus fosters a sense of job security and job satisfaction among its employees, ultimately enhancing their productivity and well-being, which is vital for achieving long-term economic growth in the region.

In summary, the HR department's workshops at AASTMT's Alamein Campus on the Grievance and Appeals Policy underscore the institution's commitment to SDG 8. They empower employees with the knowledge and tools to advocate for their rights and contribute to a workplace culture that values fairness, inclusivity, and sustainable economic growth. These efforts reinforce AASTMT's dedication to the principles of decent work and equitable opportunities for all.