8.5.1 Proportion of employees on secure contracts

  • 8.5.1 Proportion of employees on secure contracts

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) has demonstrated a strong commitment to increasing the proportion of employees on secure contracts, a significant step in advancing Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) - Decent Work and Economic Growth. AASTMT recognizes that job security is fundamental to decent work and is dedicated to ensuring that a greater proportion of its workforce enjoys stable employment conditions.

Employees on secure contracts

By providing secure contracts to a higher percentage of its employees, AASTMT not only safeguards their livelihoods but also promotes a more inclusive and equitable work environment. This approach aligns closely with the core principles of SDG 8, which emphasize the importance of providing workers with fair and stable employment opportunities. As job security increases, employees can experience improved job satisfaction and well-being, leading to increased productivity and a more positive workplace atmosphere.

Furthermore, AASTMT's commitment to secure employment contracts contributes to reducing the prevalence of informal labor arrangements, which can often lead to exploitative working conditions. By formalizing employment relationships, AASTMT takes a significant step toward ensuring that all its employees have access to decent work with fair wages, benefits, and workplace protections. This move not only benefits individual employees but also supports the broader societal goal of promoting sustainable economic growth, as highlighted in SDG 8.

In addition, offering secure employment contracts enhances AASTMT's ability to attract and retain top talent. Employees who feel secure in their positions are more likely to invest in their professional development and contribute positively to the institution's mission and goals. This creates a virtuous cycle where the organization can achieve greater success and innovation, ultimately contributing to the advancement of SDG 8's objective of fostering sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth.

Moreover, AASTMT's efforts to increase the proportion of employees on secure contracts have a ripple effect on the wider community. As the institution sets a precedent for fair and stable employment practices, it can influence other organizations in the region to follow suit. By promoting the adoption of secure employment contracts across various sectors, AASTMT plays a role in advancing SDG 8's aim of promoting decent work and economic growth at a regional and national level.

AASTMT's dedication to increasing the proportion of employees on secure contracts not only benefits its workforce but also contributes significantly to Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8). By providing job security, AASTMT upholds the principles of decent work and economic growth, promotes workplace well-being, reduces informal labor, attracts top talent, and sets a positive example for broader societal change. This commitment reflects AASTMT's commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable work environment while actively contributing to the global effort to achieve sustainable and prosperous economic growth.