Autism Awareness Day

  • Autism Awareness Day

AASTMT Has Always Dedicated Efforts Towards The Support Of Mental Health And Maintaining A Pressure Free Environment For All Students And Staff Members. In This Context, One Of The First Initiatives Of The College Of Medicine, AASTMT, Was Autism Awareness Day. The Day Was Held On June, 5th 2021 On El Alamein Campus In The Presence Of His Excellency, Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, President Of AASTMT, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hesham, Dean Of The College Of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Saad, President Of The Egyptian Medical Syndicate, Prof. Dr. Walid Eldib, President Of The Egyptian Dental Syndicate And Prof. Dr. Aly Ibrahim, President Of The Arab Pharmacists Union As Well As Academy Students From Different Colleges.

The Activity Included An Oral Presentation Delivered By A First-Year Student And About 100 Brochures Distributed Among The Audience With The Basic Information About Autism Diagnosis And The Appropriate Social Support Patients. A Facebook Page With Detailed Information Was Initiated To Help The Families And Provide Them With Lines Of Contact With The Specialized Centers.