AASTMT Practical Training

AITB تدريب شركة

AITB تدريب شركة

Because we firmly believe in the tenet of (Practice Earns Mastery), AITB has created summer internship programs that provide students with a wide range of chances and opportunities to acquire a variety of abilities that will help them succeed academically, in the future, and in all aspects of their lives. Our training goal is to bridge the gap between academic study and labor market needs, therefore we have selected trainers with substantial labor market experience in all areas of training to acquaint trainees with the actual work environment so that they may use their abilities learned during academic study and complete graduation requirements such as practical training and graduation projects. Students from different disciplines (engineering, Computing & Information Technology, business, etc...) participated in the summer internship in 2022 under the supervision of professional experts with practical experience in the fields related to the internship. The programs included theoretical lectures, practical training, and visits to workplaces.

University / Company

AITB تدريب شركة

Location Of Training

Student Number

196 student

Number of Instructors

1 professor

Training starts From





13 days