Social Responsibility Club

Within the framework of the keenness of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport and the Deanship of the College of Language and Communication in Smart Village to implement the goals of sustainable development as an integral part of community work, the Deanship of the College launched, under the supervision of the Vice-Deanery for Training and Community Service, the “Social Responsibility Club.” The club aims to raise community awareness and support places Surrounding the smart village and marginalized and remote areas, in addition to launching medical convoys and other community contributions inside and outside the walls of the Academy.

Among the most prominent campaigns launched by the club on March 20, 2023:

  1. “Ramadan brings us together” campaign 2023 - in implementation of Goal No. 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals The club launched the "Ramadan brings us together" campaign in the first week of March 2023 in light of the implementation of Goal No. 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (elimination of poverty) by distributing Ramadan bags to male and female workers, security personnel and attendance officials at the Arab Academy in the Smart Village branch, and providing Ramadan meals to Throughout the holy month, may God bring it back to us all with goodness, right and blessings.


  1. The campaign to raise awareness of autoimmune diseases under the title "Your Gift...Your Health" 2023 - in implementation of Goal No. 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals. The awareness campaign "Your gift... your health" was launched on the occasion of Mother's Day to raise awareness of immune diseases, where the two students, Maryam Khair and Maryam Khaled, talked about their personal experiences and their journey with immune diseases and how to challenge them and the psychological symptoms associated with them, with the support of parents, doctors and the college for them. Today, cardiologist Amr Bastawsi and the journalist writer hosted And the journalist Muhammad Ali Khair, the artist Badria Tolba, and Dr. Reda Al-Sayed Suleiman, the psychological consultant in the Smart Village branch, who talked about women and the need for them to pay attention to their health and preserve their immunity as their capital.


  1. "Summer Campaign for Awareness and Eradication of Literacy" for the summer of 2023 - in implementation of Goal No. 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals. The program lasts for two months (July and August) within the walls of the Academy in the Smart Village branch, to include a number of educational, educational, cultural, health, social and awareness programs and events. The program aims to erase 100 students from illiteracy for a more sustainable future. The program also seeks to expand the concept of adult education from literacy to a broader concept of continuing education and lifelong learning. This is to develop the scientific, knowledge and cultural aspect of the country’s sons and daughters so that they can keep pace with global developments in various fields, the skills of the twenty-first century in teaching and learning, and the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in order to achieve the goals of Egypt’s Vision 2030 and sustainable development. Therefore, the campaign includes classrooms, training and entertainment programs, and public services aimed at eradicating alphabetical and cultural illiteracy by teaching them the principles of reading, writing, and arithmetic.